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6 posts total

The chassis of the #PineTab-V (the first @risc_v tablet) will be black to differentiate it from from the #Arm-based #PineTab2 available in silver-gray.
Hope you like it :)

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@PINE64 does that rear camera housing make it not sit nicely on a flat surface?


@PINE64 is this the same processor as Star64 or are you using something like the TH1520?


PinePhone Pro now works with the keyboard case, effectively turning the device into a Pinebook Pro mini with a modem! #pinephonepro #pinephoneKeyboard


#PinePhonePro Explorer Edition orders start today at 7:00PM UTC/ 11AM PST. Order yours by January 18th to receive it this month or early February.


This blew our socks off - #PineNote 's e-paper display now works on mainline #linux ! 🎉

Thanks to Samuel Holland ( as well as other contributors for this incredible achievement.


DHL sent ALL PinePhones to New Zealand instead of their actual destinations. How this happened is beyond us. This is a massive blunder on their part, but ultimately we're the one that gets to apologize to you - very sorry about this. It will take a week to sort this situation out.

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yellow aety :bun:
@PINE64 this is not funny to you, but kinda funny to me. good luck sorting it out.
maryjane :fediverso:

@PINE64 by "all" you actually mean ALL that you were shipping in this batch?

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