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Eugen Rochko

Everything is back to normal now. Yes, it was an attack, not legitimate traffic. No, we don't know who was behind it. I agree the timing with Twitter being down was unfortunate.


@Gargron maybe the api team at twitter got reassigned to ddos attack mastodon

Eugen Rochko

Fastly and Datadog who both sponsor us by providing us a free service were instrumental in analyzing and mitigating the attack. Shout out to our own team as well, glad I don't have to do this alone anymore!


@Gargron :ad: :catblush:

Kidding! Well done mate :cat_hug_triangle:


@Gargron Thanks to all! The spirit of this community is heart warming.

i am root

@Gargron I know the team is busy, but could you please prioritize requests for adds/changes to instances on Not waiting on anything myself, but have seen several other #MastoAdmin reporting a lack of any response. During these Twitter and outages, it would be very helpful to have more places for users to land.

Alwyn Soh :sgflag:

@null @Gargron ditto on this, submitted and still waiting for a response.

Purple :verified:

@null @Gargron Want to add I submitted a request to be added a month ago with no response.

I'm in no rush, but at the same time I've spent a fair bit of time tightening the infrastructure so it's up for the job, so it would be cool to be added :)

Jens Ljungkvist :mastodon:

@null @Gargron

I agree!
We want it to be a Fediverse, right? Not just a few stars?


@Gargron πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ & thanks to all

Dismal Manor Gang

@Gargron Time to start a fund drive for a Korbomite device (original Star Trek).


@Gargron This can be related to the down Ielo ISP in France
The timeline match.


@Gargron πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ

Jeff the Alien

@Gargron Will there be a blog post detailing what and how it all happened, and list any IOCs, etc.?


Thank you.

Phone browser works, tethered lappie gets 403...54113
Errors working on same machine.

Dan Gillmor

@LaureM Not necessarily. Depends on the circumstance. The Post could easily host its own instance. A smaller newsroom would have trouble. @Gargron


Thanks to you and everyone who helped avert the attack

Matthew Clover

@Gargron Thank you and the team for all your hard work getting this handled!

beforewisdom πŸ––


It is a prelude to invasion. Those aliens whose UFOs we shot down.

John Carlsen


I still see this via US-CA-SJ:

Error 403 Forbidden

Error 54113
Details: cache-sjc10058-SJC 1678140947 872542668

Varnish cache server


@Gargron so then the ddos attack on has nothing to do with being down? bc that instance is still down and we were given no heads up. im rebuilding from scratch over here.

DHeadshot's Alt

@Gargron I'm getting 403 errors trying to access the site - am I blocked then? I didn't do anything apart from try to load my timeline while you were down!


@Gargron My conspiracy theory of the moment: Elon rerouted all the API calls this way.

Dr. Jorge Caballero

@Gargron Third time in 2 weeks that the timing is "unfortunate" for a major Mastodon server or API endpoint πŸ‘€

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