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A.C. Tupper

@notjustbikes I think what truly solidified my animus towards car-centric cities and SUVs was an afternoon in Philadelphia, outside the building where America's Bandstand was once filmed.

Three young kids on a tiny scooter bike zigged out off of the blocked neighborhood sidewalk and onto the side street. Straight into the fender of an oncoming SUV. 1/

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A.C. Tupper

@notjustbikes There are a lot of grisly details I remember about what happened next. I'll spare you the description.

What sticks with me the most was the sense of resignation that the community members seemed to have as they tried to respond to the carnage. It felt like they had just accepted this was how the world was going to be.

Compared other monstrous SUVs on the road, the one which did this was small.

I think a lot about that day.

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