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Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

The only thing I hate more than giant SUVs and trucks in our cities is the bullshit discussion around giant SUVs and trucks in our cities.

Here's my take on the situation in my latest video, now available on Nebula.

Hayley Question-Mark

@notjustbikes This 30 minute rant was just what I needed today, thank you!

Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@barrowofdirt I feel like only about half of it was a rant, really. πŸ˜‚

Natalie πŸͺ— It's weird to hear you recommend cars as alternatives for once, I was expecting you to say "instead of an SUV get a cargo bike" lol

@notjustbikes There was a street in my neighborhood with a narrow sidewalk here, as it previously had to be cut in order to make room for a parking lot. Yet the parking spaces are the size of a regular car. Well, one day, someone thought it is a great idea to get his damn Ford truck with one wheel on the sidewalk.
Lionel Yesat

@notjustbikes One thing that is crazy is that Ford US do not sell cars anymore. The only model that is under the "Cars" category is the Mustang E. And if you go to, you will see them saying "Eh just get an SUV."

Captain Janegay πŸ«–

@notjustbikes Apropos the tank, I saw a comparison recently which pointed out that some modern SUVs have worse sight lines than an actual abrams tank. Just inexcusable.

A.C. Tupper

@notjustbikes I think what truly solidified my animus towards car-centric cities and SUVs was an afternoon in Philadelphia, outside the building where America's Bandstand was once filmed.

Three young kids on a tiny scooter bike zigged out off of the blocked neighborhood sidewalk and onto the side street. Straight into the fender of an oncoming SUV. 1/

A.C. Tupper

@notjustbikes There are a lot of grisly details I remember about what happened next. I'll spare you the description.

What sticks with me the most was the sense of resignation that the community members seemed to have as they tried to respond to the carnage. It felt like they had just accepted this was how the world was going to be.

Compared other monstrous SUVs on the road, the one which did this was small.

I think a lot about that day.


@notjustbikes I had the "honor" of riding in one of these cars, once. The experience was basically, "that's it?"

For how supersized they are, they offer surprising little in terms of added comfort - as a tall guy at around 2m, space is kinda important to me, especially since I also have mild claustrophobia - compared to a normal-sized car. So it's "more car" for more money, but the things you'd readily buy a larger car for - space and comfort - aren't upgraded enough to justify the price.

Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@sir_AnGer the unnecessary high ground clearance basically erases any space benefits. They're ridiculous.

Dan Carreras

@notjustbikes loved the @Techaltar cameo in this video! As someone who emigrated to canada, pick up trucks are by far one of the worst thing I’ve experienced (that and the lack of walkability anywhere)

Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@caesoose @Techaltar wow! Impressive that you recognized him! I just realized that I forgot to credit him in the description! πŸ˜‰

Neil E. Hodges
@notjustbikes Do I have the option of either Nebula or Patreon for getting early access, or is this one only going up on Nebula?
Sten the Sten

@notjustbikes I needed to rent a car last week to attend a work meeting in the middle of nowhere. I reserved a compact, but was "upgraded" to a Jeep Grand Cherokee because all the reasonably-sized cars were unavailable. What a horror. It's bristling with cameras and sensors that beep incessantly to compensate for the awful visibilty. I don't see how anyone enjoys or thinks these things are safe, it's all awful hacks to make up for not being able to see what you're doing.

Pepijn Schmitz

@notjustbikes thought his life was getting too quiet lately and decided to liven things up a little...

Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@captainchaos I can never go back to Texas again after this, but I consider that a plus.

Lol what a lil bitch, just don't walk in front of the truck like an idiot. Look both ways.

Will you do a follow-up just reading the comments like @nerd4cities did? :^)

Not Just Bikes πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@syklemil @nerd4cities absolutely not! I'm not going to be reading the comments at all on this one! πŸ˜‚

... except the Patreon supporter comments. I'm reading and responding to all of those now. πŸ˜‰


@notjustbikes I highly recommend Nebula - there's some really great content there (like Not Just Bikes).

Clinton Anderson SwordForHire

@notjustbikes Excellent.... I wish I could make the whole Shitty Council of Windsor Ontario watch it.....


@notjustbikes I know this is a small thing but nerds will be all over it on YouTube, the Escort you show on screen is an EU one (from 1992) and although they had an Escort in the US at the same time it was a different car and just a bit larger.


@notjustbikes I currently live in American suburbia and I wouldn't even go with a station wagon. I'm team compact sedan all the way (though what's classed "compact" in the US is definitely not the EU concept of "compact").

Ironically the only thing I've ever had real difficulty buying and bringing home in my compact sedan - my bike. Still, I made it work. Probably easier than it would've been in an SUV without fold-flat seats.


@notjustbikes as a person who owns a modern "small" truck, I agree with everything you say here. I haul lots of bulky light things for work. My old Honda Element was perfect, but when it died there was nothing available except for a truck to replace it with. They have literally stopped making or selling that class of vehicle where I live. (Small city in rural US state) Yes cargo vans exist, but they are prohibitively expensive even used due to high demand and lack of supply.



I agree with this so hard I signed up to CS+Nebula with your promocode just to watch it.


@notjustbikes disturbed by the number of US style pick up trucks I'm seeing in the Netherlands. There's an antisocial arsehole who keeps parking a dodge Ram near where I live. It's so large they driver parks half on the pavement, blocking people getting past. Wish the EU would just ban them.


It kinda reminds me of coca-cola and their switch from 'lets sell to ever more customers' to 'lets make our heavy users into ultra-heavy users'. Giving up on the part of the market that is ambivalent about your product and extracting more money from your most loyal customers.

David Fi&er

@notjustbikes It finally happened. I had to pause the video to make sure that it wasn't my 14-year old Toyota Corolla in the background of a clip shot at Richmond & Fanshawe Park.

Linus Boman

@notjustbikes - just watched this, well done Jason. You're riled up in this one, and rightfully so. The only thing I thought was missing was how the additional weight of these vehicles may also cause older multi-storey car parks to become structurally unsound. I think the story came up in the UK Daily Mail spinning it to put the blame on heavier EVs, but by the same logic, it would follow SUVs would be even worse.


@notjustbikes I’ve been seeing lots of pickup trucks around London (the real one) lately where there seemed to be very few of them a couple of years ago. They’re hideous.


@notjustbikes I generally despise the fact that North American cities are designed around cars. After you've lived in a city with decent public transit, car centered cities feel downright barbaric.


@SrEstegosaurio @notjustbikes it's just wild to think about isn't it, complete and utter lack of public spaces for people to just hang out

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