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Eugen Rochko

I found Skype is allowed to be called "Skype for iPhone" so maybe "Mastodon for iPhone" will work and save me this headache. Still thinking about a subtitle though.

Григорий Клюшников

Eugen, but if you decide to support iPad in the future, you'd have to rename it to "Mastodon for iP(hone|ad)"


@Gargron What if you make an iPad version later tho..!


@Gargron Ah there won't be an iPad version then? Seems too exclusive to call it "for iPhone".

Aaruni Kaushik

@Gargron "federated microblogging" ? Its slightly better than decentralised IMO.

Stochastic Parrot

@Gargron "Skype for iPhone" and "Skype for iPad" are two different names for two different apps. Did you just forget iPad?

Eugen Rochko

@dmonad I'm not allowed "Mastodon for iOS" and I'm not allowed "Mastodon"

Stochastic Parrot

@Gargron Yes I've read your thread, but "Mastodon for iPhone" will make users think there is another app called "Mastodon for iPad". Did you make an iPad version for your app?

CutThroat Neko

What about a simple "Mastodon Mobile" ?
Too old fashion ?

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