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The lawsuit we're fighting isn’t just about the Internet Archive. It will determine the future of all libraries & their patrons, including those with print disabilities. #Accesstoknowledge for diverse communities will be impacted 🌍

Over the next 20 days until we go to court, we’ll be giving you 20 reasons to care about this lawsuit. We can’t wait to introduce you to the teachers, doctors, journalists & many more who rely on our lending library #EmpoweringLibraries

Bernhard Huss

@internetarchive very important! Thank you so much! I cross my fingers for your cause and will boost all relevant toots.


@internetarchive It is awful you have to fight just to survive and for all libraries to survive. I wish more would join the suit like the ALA since it affects all libraries not just ones on the internet. Particularly in a environment where books are being banned the internet is more important to evade such awful censorship and authoritarian control. Not just of books but of the mind itself. Which is their actual goal.

Dorin Cojocariu

Let's fight against "Sue Happy". And "Ruth Less".

Hue StL

@internetarchive Is this from when you decided to become the pirate bay for currently published works by living authors?

It may determine the future of all libraries, but not in the way you're implying. Just thinking about the people who were sad the manga series they read from pirate websites were discontinued.

Hue StL

@internetarchive A lot of what you do it good. But keeping authors from getting paid for their work is a bad move that jeopardizes the good things the internet archive does.

Yves L. Jardin-Noam

@internetarchive for donations to fight the suit, should we make general donations or is there a specific url/fund to support?

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