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Like to look pretty? Capitalism has somehow convinced you one clear rock is vastly superior to another, identical looking, cheaper clear rock. I challenge you to find me someone who can tell the difference at the distance anyone seeing you wear them would see it.


Capitalism, as well as racism - throw that in for good measure here, has convinced you to add a little fee to your meal so the restaurant can pay the staff even less than poverty wages!
Yes, tipping started with making sure black people got paid less since they couldn't legally have slaves now. Well, at least not blatant obvious slaves.


Have you noticed appliances and cars fall apart far quicker than antiques? Capitalism convinced you to be cool with that. There is no reason, besides getting you to pay again, a washing machine can't last your whole life and beyond.


Capitalism has convinced you your healthcare will somehow be worse than being unable to afford it at all if we just "give it away" to everyone. It has also convinced you it's somehow better to pay more for insurance that won't always cover you, and often won't cover the full cost of care, than it is to pay a smaller amount in taxes. The math says you're a gullible idiot who's easily controlled by simply saying "increased taxes".

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism has convinced you that $199 is a good sale compared to $219. Better buy now! If you wait to think if you really want that thing, the sale will end!
They also have you convinced $199 is appreciably less than $200. They really milk that 9 thing, you gullible ape.

Don't believe me? Take an ad of something you want. Edit it to add that penny. Now look at it again in a few days. Gullible ass ape!

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

They convince you nobody will work if there is no profit motive. The only people who spout that shit are people who wouldn't help others, and the gullible apes they aren't helping.
Besides, do you really think piles of garbage, lack of food, and no entertainment wouldn't motivate most non-disabled people to chip in and get it done?

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Ecco minded? Capitalism convinced you getting rid of plastic straws is the solution while you just kinda ignore the pollution the corps are dumping in to the environment.

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism has convinced you that if you don't buy shit for your loved ones every holiday, you might as well spit in their faces.
Yeah, getting something I want is nice, but I'm not going to love my friends less if he got me nothing. Besides, what to do with things I don't have a use or space for? I'd rather have my friends' presence.

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism has convinced you that surveiling your every move is not only ok, but somehow good for you! Google reads your Gmail, and follows you where you bring your phone, and listens to what you say!
Oh, but you got nothing to hide? Yeah, alone time in my bed, if you catch my drift, isnt something I need to be ashamed of but I do not need a fucking audience. Google doesn't need to hear about some growth you called your doctor about. How does privacy mean nothing to you?!

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Gay? Capitalism loves to wave the rainbow around to get you to buy shit, and then fuck over their trans employee when she wants her surgery on company health insurance. Hey, it saves money and if she kills herself, they can just stuff another employee in her place. Maybe that one won't whine about surgery!
Oh, gay employees make the homophobes uncomfy, and can't miss that dollar. They'll find something to fire the queer for!

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism will lie to you for a buck!
Fox airs lies 24/7 because it makes them money. Tic Tacs are almost entirely sugar, but they're labeled sugar free.
Tobacco convinced people for decades that smoking is fine, hell it even helps asthma! Your doctor picks Camels, it must be the best!
That steak is fine, ignore the covered over date!

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism fucks with your head!
"You deserve the car you want"
"Buying this scam saves you $x a year!"
Let's not forget the colors and scents they use to trick you in to wanting shit you don't need, and didn't want a minute ago!

Miakoda replied to Miakoda

Capitalism tricks you in to working for free!
Be it the few minutes outside your shift to take 1 call, answer 1 email, to getting you to scan and bag your own groceries!
You think self check out was for your convenience? Hahahaha!

Daniel ダニエル :v_gay: replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda the self checkout is so that I can ✨forget✨ to scan stuff

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸 replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda @tamagotchipapi That's why *drummrolls* capitalism is currently convincing gullible idiots that it is so comfortable and cool that items get automatically booked as you put them in your cart and payed once you leave the store!
Don't worry what happens to your data, all the surveillance footage, the prices while you're between between shelf and door or that ad that *just* made your phone vibrate! Big Corp knows what's best for you!

MKSinSA replied to Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

Auto-checkout of items in your cart? Where am living, the boonies? Have never seen this and don't want to. Heck, I don't even know how that whole card tap thing works.

@hellomiakoda @tamagotchipapi

Inken Paper replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda worse, it tricks you into paying to work but calls it working for pay. that's the wage system in a nutshell.

Yoni Den replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda You should always see if there are items that weigh the same but cost less, scan those and leave them behind.
example: 100grams of walnuts is 1/3 the price of 100grams of cashews, 1 can of kidney beans is 1/2 the price of adzuki beans
Buy both if you feel, but scan only the cheaper items.

If they won't "train" you or compensate you for your time, you cannot be blamed for "making mistakes" when scanning. You are working for them. It is their fault if "mistakes" are made.

@hellomiakoda You should always see if there are items that weigh the same but cost less, scan those and leave them behind.
example: 100grams of walnuts is 1/3 the price of 100grams of cashews, 1 can of kidney beans is 1/2 the price of adzuki beans
Buy both if you feel, but scan only the cheaper items.

Riedler replied to Yoni

@yoniden @hellomiakoda I would, but there's a very scary looking guy with a broken nose standing there, intimitatingly, to make sure nobody steals anything. It's certainly working for me…

Lind, taking break- see bio replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda this thread is awesome and long enough that ive bookmarked it, and will try to boost a different post every day lol

DELETED replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda Agreed until here, as somebody who works a cash register along with everything else in the store, customers who bypass self checkout to deliberately waste my time can fuck all the way off. The self checkout doesn't replace me, it strongly assists me and lets me take care of everything else
That self checkout isn't about to cook, clean toilets and stock shelves anytime soon


@hellomiakoda Frankly highly insulting that customers think I have nothing better to do than stand at a cash register

DELETED replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about how much free overtime me and my colleagues used to do.
Hundreds of hours

Baroque Mongoose replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda I have never thought self check out was for my convenience! I've always avoided it whenever it's been an option.

Corvid Crone replied to Baroque

@mongoose @hellomiakoda cannot stand self checkout. The speakers are always yelling

mpmaddog replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda I have come to the conclusion they eff with your mind.. make the weak minds think they owe the MAN.. therapy people.. not even work in your own self interest sadly..

‏‏ ‏fedifriend (pride aspect) replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda I heard the line "Will my groceries be cheaper if I use self check out?" and it just seems brilliant. The answer is obviously "no".

Riedler replied to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda ok but to be fair, it *is* more convenient for smaller purchases. And the throughput is much higher, so you won't get stuck at peak hours.

That's actually very important for me, because near our school there's a supermarket selling good Leberkäs in Kaiser rolls for cheap and a lot of peeps go get those for lunch. Some others get other stuff there too.

Getting close to 250 hungry IT students through within the same 10 minutes would be very hard without the self-checkout machines.

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