Capitalism has convinced you your healthcare will somehow be worse than being unable to afford it at all if we just "give it away" to everyone. It has also convinced you it's somehow better to pay more for insurance that won't always cover you, and often won't cover the full cost of care, than it is to pay a smaller amount in taxes. The math says you're a gullible idiot who's easily controlled by simply saying "increased taxes".
Capitalism has convinced you that $199 is a good sale compared to $219. Better buy now! If you wait to think if you really want that thing, the sale will end!
They also have you convinced $199 is appreciably less than $200. They really milk that 9 thing, you gullible ape.
Don't believe me? Take an ad of something you want. Edit it to add that penny. Now look at it again in a few days. Gullible ass ape!