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Michael Winiberg

@internetarchive @team

I agree entirely with the aims of the Internet Archive and libraries in general.

Having read this statement, I do wonder if the focus on the "greedy maw of Big Publishing" might not be counter-productive in a society (seen from the UK anyway) which seems to prioritise money/wealth over just about everything else.

I'm only an outsider looking in, but having had retrospective restrictions placed on my ebooks (I still have a number I've bought and can no longer (...)

1 comment
Michael Winiberg

@internetarchive @team read) three times now over the years, this fight is very important.

Maybe more emphasis on freedom, public good, restrictive practices, lack of/rights of ownership (contrasting with the law relating to paid-for physical books etc) and less on the monetary implications of book lending might be good. There are also authors and even publishers who insist that their books not have DRM restrictions etc. Perhaps they could also be persuade to support the fight?

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