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Angus McIntyre

@Uilebheist @cstross I was about to ask Midjourney to draw the poster for us but then I realized that half the words I'd have to use in the prompt would get me banned from Midjourney for life.

So I decided not to.

Also, there's the issue of the mental scarring that would probably result from creating and publishing such a thing. All in all, it's something I'd rather not have on my conscience.

Uilebheist 🏳️‍🌈

@angusm @cstross Quite understandable. Note how I said "somebody should" and somehow failed to offer any help...

Rachel Greenham

@angusm @Uilebheist @cstross if you want it you’re just going to have to pay a real artist. For this? So much, *so* much money…

Angus McIntyre

@StrangeNoises @Uilebheist @cstross I'd pay them even more if they promise not to make it.

You know, we could probably start a GoFundMe to raise money to pay artists NOT to create erotic spacesuit fetish art. People will give to that (*).

(*) If they know what's good for them, they will.

Skiriki Fyxe

@angusm @StrangeNoises @Uilebheist @cstross

Well look at that, I happen to have a fully articulated spacesuit or seventy in my render library, along with tentacles and genitalia of interesting types plus a load of morphs and skins...

...Or, y'know, I'm handing out a begging bowl for my kitty's upcoming round of dentistry on Monday. 😂

Angus McIntyre

@Skiriki @StrangeNoises @Uilebheist @cstross So do I. And I have a day off, and a PC with a 3060 sitting next to my desk.

Don't start a war you can't win.

Skiriki Fyxe

@angusm @StrangeNoises @Uilebheist @cstross Yes, but I do have an adorable kitty (and three more on top of that). @cstross has seen them!

Nebulous Menace (Sandy B.)

@angusm @Uilebheist @cstross I think the moral here is "support human artists" but I may be just retreating from the images you present.

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