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Angus McIntyre

@cstross I'm trying to UNSEE the movie poster right now.

I fear you may have unleashed something you cannot control, and I want you to go to your room and think about what you've done (*).

(*) No, not like that. Please God, not like that.

Uilebheist 🏳️‍🌈

@angusm @cstross You know how my eyes often see things which aren't there?
I read: "I fear you may have *unfastened* something you cannot control" and it seemed quite appropriate.

Uilebheist 🏳️‍🌈

@angusm @cstross "My spacecraft is full of steels"
I'll get my coat.


@angusm @cstross The fact that the human waste disposal facilities in spacecraft are suction-based is only making this just all the more awkward.

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