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CrimethInc. Ex-Workers

When Russian troops invaded #Ukraine a year ago, it took many people by surprise—especially Putin apologists, who had been insisting that reports about Russian military preparations were just saber-rattling from the United States government.

It didn't take us by surprise, because we had been corresponding with Russian and Ukrainian anarchists for years.

We still believe that it is most important to listen to anarchists from the region rather than commentators thousands of miles away.

For Russian anarchist perspectives, you could start here:

For Ukrainian anarchist perspectives, you could start here:

For Belarusian anarchist perspectives, you could start here:

Chowderman 🍴


What on Earth were you thinking of boosting that?

Mael Duin


I'm not aware of the history of that account.

But this post in particular appears to be an unequivocal condemnation of Russia from a hard leftist.

With the prevelance of tankies and leftist genocide lovers out there, I generally try to boost and encourage any who seem to have a decent understanding of who and what Putin is.

I may be wrong in this case - feel free to elaborate if you think I am.

Chowderman 🍴


They are anarchists, that should have warned you.

Despite their claims about the local anarchists warning about the invasion, I can see nothing from either the russian or Ukrainian group.

Indeed, the Ukrainian group were most worked up about “Kharkov, Ukraine: On The First Grassroots Response To American-Backed Land Grabbing!”

It doesn’t take much for people to jump on a bandwagon.

Please think before promoting such people.

Mael Duin


On the Ukrainian site I just see lots of articles about resisting the invasion and solidarity with Russian deserters

Chowderman 🍴


AFTER the start of the war.

Contrary to the claim in the original toot, they didn’t warn about russian aggression prior to the invasion.

All they did was attack the USA (lest we forget, the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine), the IMF and World Bank (huge supporters of Ukraine) etc etc.

If I toss a coin, I’ll call it right 50% of the time. I don’t think they generally get into single digits of percentage (and don’t meet the claim in the original toot).

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