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Chris Hallbeck

I was doing an activity with my youngest and then told him I had to go back to work. He motioned to my laptop and said "Okay, go touch your letters daddy." which is such an amazing burn.



omg so perfect

gonna use this for sure, "sorry guys, gotta go back to touching my letters now!" haha

Elon Musk ✅🧿

@ProgGrrl @Chrishallbeck "& what are your skills?"

"I touch many letters quickly"

John Parker

@Chrishallbeck Word on the street is that Intel are interested in licensing your son’s techniques to help manage thermal dissipation in their passive CPU coolers.



@Chrishallbeck My dad was a pencil-pusher. I’m a letter-toucher.


@tolortslubor @Chrishallbeck
I'm contemplating adding "letter toucher" to my bio


@Chrishallbeck @donmelton Wouldn’t this apply to using a tablet for email, not a laptop? It’s still funny but I’m a bit pedantic.

Christopher Agocs

@dreamwinder The keyboard keys are the letters. When you type, you're touching letters


@Chrishallbeck Today is going to be a letter touching day. Yesterday was a mouse colouring in day.

Christopher Burgess


Keyboard = letters

That is a world-class burn 🧯

Aching Back Sunday :bd27:

@Chrishallbeck I think from now on when people ask me what I do for work I'm just going to say "touching letters".


@Chrishallbeck I love this. Too much of our lives is taken up by “touching our letters.”

Phil Harrison

@Chrishallbeck When my daughter was younger, I had to take with me to work for a few hours. At one point she looked at my screen at some code I was working on and said "What's this nonsense?". After that, my colleague and I always referred to source code as "The Nonsense".

Jared Zimmerman ✨

@Chrishallbeck that’s definitely what we should be calling typing going forward.


@Chrishallbeck definitely using this one on my boyfriend one day ☺️ too cute

Iza Marfisi

@Chrishallbeck I do allot of letter touching to 😂 I sympathyse.

Zev Eisenberg

@Chrishallbeck when my 2.5yo is reading with her mom, and I try to sit with them, she says “go away Dada, go wash da dishes.”

Chloe Fletcher

@Chrishallbeck doesn't Mummy Pig on Peppa Pig always do her "numbers and letters" on the computer?


@Chrishallbeck Reminds me of a similar burn from my son. Me: (Talking to child about the relative passing of time and that’s why he should work at something he likes) Him: I'm going to be a blacksmith.…..Because (gesturing at me behind laptop) you don’t have to do as much computer work."

Dan Jones

My son once described my job as "He just types on his computer all day, and it's not even real words."

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@Chrishallbeck This reminds me forcibly that my kids play "working" by propping up one side of an open book, and wiggling their fingers over the side that lies flat.


@Chrishallbeck my kids called my office the “kitchen mom makes money in” when they were little 😂

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