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Michal Bryxí

@del Opinions vary, but if it's on [markdown][1], then _some_ people will do it nevertheless and markdown formatter will make it _easier_ to read.

Switch to plain text should *always* be an option.

I would 100% go thermonuclear against WYSIWYG though.


tekphloyd :prami_neutral:

@MichalBryxi @del 100%! No Comic Sans!!! 🤪 It should be simple and optional. That’s why the question mentions: Client. So if the post contains **bold**, *italic* or
var code = “hello!”;
The client can parse and show it nicely. 🙂

ADHDel-DRAFT-v10-final (2).doc

@MichalBryxi If you’re allowing formatting then the method you use to add said formatting should be down to the client. Standardise on Markdown for output but for people with learning or recall difficulties WSYWIG editing should be available otherwise we’re introducing barriers.

Michal Bryxí

@del I don't disagree, but I was not advocating against editors. Only against editors. 🙅
They are, in my opinion, the root of "why can't we have nice things" and source of most of the " memes". 🤢
editors on the other hand: 🧑‍🍳💋

ADHDel-DRAFT-v10-final (2).doc

@MichalBryxi I’m on board with that.

In my years as a web consultant the first thing I would do in content editors would be to disable all formatting and leave editors with just semantic styles to choose from in a drop-down.

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