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Quantum Computer Support Person: “Have you tried turning it on and off at the same time?”


@dgar LoL well it is like this, we tried, then it vanished in thin air! 🤣🤣🤣

Air Quotes Comedian


"Quantum computers? Not in our schools," says some Right-Wing pundit.

I posted that one a while back and not one titter. I suppose the problem with the joke is that it requires too much suspension of belief that a Right-wing pundit would simultaneously know to act in a reactionary way toward quantum computers while also not understanding that being non-binary in computing terms has bugger all to do with gender.

I suppose it could just be that it isn't funny, but that stretches credulity way too far.


"Quantum computers? Not in our schools," says some Right-Wing pundit.

I posted that one a while back and not one titter. I suppose the problem with the joke is that it requires too much suspension of belief that a Right-wing pundit would simultaneously know to act in a reactionary way toward quantum computers while also not understanding that being non-binary in computing terms has bugger all to do with gender.

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