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Iron Bug
I repost these utterly proper posts by @gewure that was suspended for being a nomal human with normal logic that makes sense, after an absolutely senseless denunciation of some pervert rat (which I gonna ban, for sure). mad perverts snitch on normal people. we live in dystopia world where sanity and common sense are banned.

so, I just copy the posts perverts dislike so much that they try to silence the voice of reason that badly.

and I say YES to every word below.

all posts I cite below are written by now suspended account @gewure and if gewure is reading this and creates any new account, I offer a friendship on Fediverse: I stand with reasoning and common sense, against that madness that devours the feeble minds of a crowd.

I make this public because I am sure that normal logic and common sense are the right thing to be shared and cannot be silenced.

Trans kids do not exist.

Its their parents who force a certain Ideology onto them.

Its normal nature to not have a clear gender identity for kids. just completely normal.

Making them "trans" because of that is just completely crazy and seriously messing with the kids mental health.

There are no "trans kids", its just Kids.

Stop genderizing children will you? They will chose their identify themselfs no need to propell it by the introduction of "trans".

Its like gender-reveal Ideology, only inverted.

Can't you people just let kids be kids?!

f you think that JK Rowling is transphob you have been fooled by a sophisticated LGBTQ led Smear Campaing that foremost exposed shamefully what some woke people are up to: By no means a rational discussion.

If you think otherwise - challenge it! Do research. JKR said exactly *nothing* anyhow problematic and its extremely weird to see everyone attack her from mere reflex.

Read her text.

Read about the shitstorm.

Challenge Trans-Activists like you do anybody else - they are by no means more ethical than other activists, but quite on the contrary go to great lenghts and radical means to silence people who try to have a complex discussion about highly problematic things like #pubertyblockers who can irreperable damage your body.

This can not be serious.

Honestly the biggest opponents of transrights are transactivists.

with "activism" like that, who merely wants to market products to an alternative audience nobody is going to take transrights seriously.

Do you really genuinely think HARRY POTTER is alt-right, antisemitic and transphob?

if yes, I honestly think you are completely bonkers.

there are SO MANY marginalizations in society - and always what divides people is CLASS not identity.

This discourse is from a fresh hell. It does not serve anyone except the #lookatme and buy-my-terrible-activist-artwork groups, who are both exactly *not* marginalized and in the case of the #lookatme group dominate discourses forever.

The real problems are located between BELLOW and ABOVE, not in identity-perception-infights.

#materialism not #identity

Im very sorry to burst your bubble but no, you are not secretly #autistic.

None of you.

You are maybe on the spectrum, but FFS thats not the same as being "autistic".

Its not cool, its an serious impairment. You are not all "highly functional" autists.

Yes, there been a lot of undignosed female autism, but maaaan they are doing tiktoks about it in a row!!

This is not autism, this is #lookatme and #iamspecial and #snowflakeism.

its freaking normal to be stressed from "sensory overload" and having your home as a "safe space" is exactly also not autistic.

stop pretending.

#sanity #common sense #thoughts

so, I just copy the posts perverts dislike so much and they try to silence the voice of reason. and I say yes to every word below:

all posts I cite below are written by banned account @gewure and if gewure is reading this, I offer a friendship on Fediverse, I stand with reasoning and common sense, against that madness that devours the feeble minds.
I make this public because I am sure that normal logic and common sense are the right thing to be shared and cannot be silenced.

Trans kids do not exist.

Its their parents who force a certain Ideology onto them.

Its normal nature to not have a clear gender identity for kids. just completely normal.

Making them "trans" because of that is just completely crazy and seriously messing with the kids mental health.

There are no "trans kids", its just Kids.

Stop genderizing children will you? They will chose their identify themselfs no need to propell it by the introduction of "trans".

Its like gender-reveal Ideology, only inverted.

Can't you people just let kids be kids?!

f you think that JK Rowling is transphob you have been fooled by a sophisticated LGBTQ led Smear Campaing that foremost exposed shamefully what some woke people are up to: By no means a rational discussion.

If you think otherwise - challenge it! Do research. JKR said exactly *nothing* anyhow problematic and its extremely weird to see everyone attack her from mere reflex.

Read her text.

Read about the shitstorm.

Challenge Trans-Activists like you do anybody else - they are by no means more ethical than other activists, but quite on the contrary go to great lenghts and radical means to silence people who try to have a complex discussion about highly problematic things like #pubertyblockers who can irreperable damage your body.

This can not be serious.

Honestly the biggest opponents of transrights are transactivists.

with "activism" like that, who merely wants to market products to an alternative audience nobody is going to take transrights seriously.

Do you really genuinely think HARRY POTTER is alt-right, antisemitic and transphob?

if yes, I honestly think you are completely bonkers.

there are SO MANY marginalizations in society - and always what divides people is CLASS not identity.

This discourse is from a fresh hell. It does not serve anyone except the #lookatme and buy-my-terrible-activist-artwork groups, who are both exactly *not* marginalized and in the case of the #lookatme group dominate discourses forever.

The real problems are located between BELLOW and ABOVE, not in identity-perception-infights.

#materialism not #identity

Im very sorry to burst your bubble but no, you are not secretly #autistic.

None of you.

You are maybe on the spectrum, but FFS thats not the same as being "autistic".

Its not cool, its an serious impairment. You are not all "highly functional" autists.

Yes, there been a lot of undignosed female autism, but maaaan they are doing tiktoks about it in a row!!

This is not autism, this is #lookatme and #iamspecial and #snowflakeism.

its freaking normal to be stressed from "sensory overload" and having your home as a "safe space" is exactly also not autistic.

stop pretending.

#sanity #common sense #thoughts
1 comment
Iwai Setsuko Production, LHB

@iron_bug @gewure
Я не всё понял, ибо плохо знаю вашу иностранную политическую кухню. Но транссексуалов не боюсь, и фобии к ним не страдаю. Однако, тоже опасаясь быть забаненным, я хотел бы заметить, что мальчикам, переодевшимся в девочек, не гоже ходить в туалеты для девочек, если санузел разделён для мужчин и женщин. Я тоже в детстве переодевался в женские шмотки для забавы, но сексуальную ориентацию себе этим не изменил - и с годами это прошло само собой. Всё равно надо сначала сменить пол, ибо появление переодетого мужчины в женском туалете может вызвать шок у женщин. Знаю это по себе. Как-то раз я заблудился и нечаянно зашёл в женский туалет вместо мужского. Справил нужду. На выходе я встретил уборщицу. Видели бы вы её лицо, оно выражало такой шок!! Я понял. что ошибся дверью, и больше в женский туалет никогда не ходил. Дома я, конечно же, бываю в том же туалете, что и все мои родственницы - женщины. Это нормально. Желаю @gewure успешно пере зарегистрироваться.

@iron_bug @gewure
Я не всё понял, ибо плохо знаю вашу иностранную политическую кухню. Но транссексуалов не боюсь, и фобии к ним не страдаю. Однако, тоже опасаясь быть забаненным, я хотел бы заметить, что мальчикам, переодевшимся в девочек, не гоже ходить в туалеты для девочек, если санузел разделён для мужчин и женщин. Я тоже в детстве переодевался в женские шмотки для забавы, но сексуальную ориентацию себе этим не изменил - и с годами это прошло само собой. Всё равно надо сначала сменить пол, ибо...

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