They weren't lying that spice sure is flowing. Kinda excited for this movie
@Gargron There are no words on earth to describe how hyped I am for that movie.
@Gargron Better quality:
they'd better make the second part, or... or i shall frown a lot.
@Gargron Oh me too! I have Dine at least a half-dozen times. The original movie was terrible or maybe it was just Kyle McLachlan totally miscast. But this looks absolutely amazing!
@Gargron Oops, I meant that I have read Dune at least 6 times and all five books in the series.
I read one or two of the books when I was too young. I didn't understand them. Guess it's time to go back and change that.
@Gargron The Spice MUST flow!
@Gargron I have grave reservations about anything from Warner Bros. They just can't keep their nose out of the director's way
@Gargron Is Lynch involved ? I kinda hope he is but am still excited about it regardless
@Gargron There are no words on earth to describe how hyped I am for that movie.