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Jason Nabein

@kevinrns I wish the title was "Google exec says nest owners should throw that horrible piece of crap into the garbage"

Kevin Russell


I want a home device that is invisible to the network, completes its task without creating a searchable transcript for Gilead wankers to find excuses to jail or harrass or kill me or my visitors.

I know I know, they're being very careful, fewer and fewer fascists are listening, and they will just never take over...

more than they have so far.

IoT is the grey goo


Sounds like the precis for a class on antenna snipping.

Choose your weapon: Soldering iron or xacto knife.

Kevin Russell


Wouldnt it be useful if we made it what we worked towatd and rewatdes and recognized. Seriously, lots organize an award show yearly, to recognize people that make apps, or coders or designers or organizations that make stuff that Just Doesn't Report to anyone.

Change whats accetable.

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