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Kevin Russell

This is a real Warning. Your, your family and freinds' safety and rights are in growing threat in your home.

Google, Amazon and Apple are now tracking women's intimate history for the police, including in many cases through voice recordings, home device, phone device recordings, search history, forums used, cookies, biological data.

Police are being set on women.

Just the softest warning from google

πŸ€– The Droid Engineer

I knew that these devices are always on, and tend to govern myself accordingly, but it was really interesting to to learn about the new etiquette around advising guests. I hadn't thought of that before, but makes complete sense; as a guest, I would want to know.

I could see a sign like the ones that say something like "Cameras in use," but "Smart devices in use."

Kevin Russell


No, the etiquette is an admission that there are legal threats being recorded in your home, that police have growing access.

Personal door-video camera installations in your home are reported to police and offered acces by installers and device companies.

One mother daughter was arrested after a home device recording, that police got from the device maker, idenified them and abortion talk.

If you get pregnant dont use any devices. Maybe you can turn off always on mics.

Kevin Russell

Are you searching for abortion pills? Checking abortion law? Are you talking in front of your phone, with an always on microphone? "Hello google, get me arrested"

Did you say in front of a home nest that youd be seeking doctors? Police can tell you.

Did you scream in your home? What words did you say alone in your bathroom? Ever wished some jackass ill during the news? Did you say it out loud?

Can your watch detect your cycle?

The balloon 40,000ft up isnt surveiling you, your home nest is.


@kevinrns I tried explaining that to people who believed bill gates was putting microchips in the vaccines... I'm like you willingly pay for a tracking/listening device
Why would they do that?

Kevin Russell


Translation can be done locally.

I want, hope to inspire, pretty well demand that we have an annual Awards Program honouring apps, people, companies and innovations that work just for you. Translation, dns look ups, weight watching, excersizing, anything, so long as it acts for you, giving what you need, withiut telling a selfserving monopoly, a political vengence group or legal authorities that you are pregnant, like men, or need an abortion, or fight monopolies, or raise wages.

Pusher Of Pixels

@kevinrns @lonewolf

No tiny device is going to do voice transcription locally beyond the activation words. But the recordings listening for it can and are uploaded.

Almost like we need a TOR type protocol to send the data thru so you can make use of the power of the cloud without it making g use of *you*

With an open source local device of course!


@pixelpusher220 @kevinrns what about the people who had pictures of them on the toilet end up on the internet because employees of Roomba was passing them around

Pusher Of Pixels

@lonewolf @kevinrns taking a picture is simple; there's no analysis done, just capture and send.

And obviously, it's not open source.

Kevin Russell

@pixelpusher220 @lonewolf

Except those cameras that automatically upload to a monoploy for "ease of use" oh, that, wait, wait, the picture that proved I was at the party where we discussed mocking new british laws! Oh no!

Kevin Russell

@pixelpusher220 @lonewolf

Lol, and actually wait, this device has my opensource camera.

Kevin Russell

@pixelpusher220 @lonewolf

Ill bet the biggest cpu phones have the power to transcribe, but, Id nominate the app that a local sequesteted network to share that duty, for a Jeeves (needs a better name) Award.

Kevin Russell

@pixelpusher220 @lonewolf

Heres a four year old story about some devices you can get in a remainder bin. And just to point out, Android is enshittified open source.

"Pixel 4 Recorder app can transcribe speech in real time without an internet connection"

Pusher Of Pixels

@kevinrns @lonewolf

Color me skeptical that smart speakers are remotely as powerful as a phone. Sure you *could* but they didn't b/c they didn't have too.

Not at all the same thing.

Kevin Russell

@pixelpusher220 @lonewolf

I don't want my speaker to translate, or transcribe or listen, really ever.

But if I had a tool, I'd want it done with as much privacy as my parents and yours had.

I want, I think we all want tools that just work for us, like a shovel. Really tired of surveillance, and at this time of billionaires paying to get rid of democracy, its downright dangerous.

My phone, my computer, all my devices, no reporting to some corporation or anyone. An Awards Show, every year.

Virtue signal πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@lonewolf @kevinrns

Ppl are so immersed in whatever vein of online bullshit & propaganda that strikes their fancy they are mostly quite incapable of taking a step back and asking a question like that.

Virtue signal πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


Look at your coffee table:

How many streaming remote controls are there? How many have those "little holes" (microphones)? Oops.

Wireless speakers? They are usually equipped for "making calls". Therefore, those speakers have mics built-in.

Some TVs have mics.

Even some refrigerators advertised as having "vibration sensors" that can tell when you knock on the fridge door.

Cars now have mics as standard equipment.

Its a major proliferation trend, a total nightmare IMO.

Virtue signal πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


This era is the next stage of what 'Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman' lampooned... the credulous consumer acting stupid.

Kevin Russell


Calling the 200 million victims credulous, may be the insult needed to get the millions to begin acting in their own interests, but Ive found agreeing with complaints loudly helps us feel as if we are doing this together, and spreads the message. "Knowing first" is no honour.

And studies in education suggest that learning happens deepest, best, when the student is happy, and learn nothing, while feeling anger and depression.

They are victims.

Maggie Maybe

@kevinrns what about people who wear those Amazon Halo rings to detect their β€œtone” to let them know if they’re sounding β€œnegative”. How do we know they only listen to the person wearing it?

Kevin Russell


I have heard comedians laughing about lthe need to bluetooth in everything; ballcaps with bluetooth, chalk with bluetooth, my new bluetooth bar of soap.

But really, yes youre right, its microphones that are being added to everything.

IoT is the grey goo

@maggiejk @kevinrns

What do you think would happen if you asked the wearer about that?


@kevinrns tha.ks, 1st sensible reaction to the balloon i see.


@kevinrns The American Taliban coming to power under the guise of the repukin party?

Kevin Russell


More, the power of coercive monopoly and vast wealth coming to power, with or without, a traditional political vehicle.

πŸ’  Dave No One πŸ’ 

I never understood why people are voluntarily wiretapping their homes and devices just to save some typing.

Pusher Of Pixels

@kevinrns anyone with a smart phone that isn't off also has these problems no? tho perhaps not quite as severe

Maggie Maybe

@kevinrns In two party consent states they should be legally required to have a sign up at their entrance or something.

Kevin Russell

Each time, each new day, each person, each day

Jason Nabein

@kevinrns I wish the title was "Google exec says nest owners should throw that horrible piece of crap into the garbage"

Kevin Russell


I want a home device that is invisible to the network, completes its task without creating a searchable transcript for Gilead wankers to find excuses to jail or harrass or kill me or my visitors.

I know I know, they're being very careful, fewer and fewer fascists are listening, and they will just never take over...

more than they have so far.

IoT is the grey goo


Sounds like the precis for a class on antenna snipping.

Choose your weapon: Soldering iron or xacto knife.

Kevin Russell


Wouldnt it be useful if we made it what we worked towatd and rewatdes and recognized. Seriously, lots organize an award show yearly, to recognize people that make apps, or coders or designers or organizations that make stuff that Just Doesn't Report to anyone.

Change whats accetable.

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