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Say hi to my first “search engine.”



Impressive 'search engine'.

For cataloging books in a large library, i guess.

Tiny Owl Workshop

@sjvn I did search engine support for six years on that clunker. Loved it.


@TinyOwlWorkshop I did a lot of research for my history degrees on those--and I loved them!


@sjvn *slaps roof of card catalog*

this baby can fit up to 30 concurrent searches, 40 if everyone's really familiar

Marlene Breitenstein Art

@sjvn — Well hello Dewey Decimal, you’re looking sexy today…

aethervision :ziltoid:

@sjvn @stevesilberman I inherited a small card catalog. Turned most of it into a tool catalog and forged jewellery out of the rods.

Gary E. Walker

@sjvn @mawhrin let’s be honest, probably the last search engine (where available).


@sjvn My teenage years library wasn't that big, but I still remember flicking through the cards. Oh, and the wonderful, creaky staircase to the first floor where the cards were.


Only a lifetime ago I was responsible for some of the content on those cards. I miss the simplicity of such a search with nobody able to see the trail your fingers made and having real privacy.

Scott M. :mstdn:

@sjvn is it silly of me to remember them wistfully?

I remember the transition to the first digital version in my second year of high school. Still took another couple of years before there was a digital checkout system though

Maike Stein

@sjvn I remember those from back when I was a kid! I was so proud when I understood how to work with them and find books I in the library - they felt something like a miracle.


@sjvn Thank you Mr. Dewey. Also, thank you Mr. Micro Fiche.

Fons Goudsmit

@sjvn it will fit on one very normal harddisk.
Do you have a scanner? 🧐


@sjvn Hi old friends. Would a couple of you like to move in with me? I miss the hours we spent together in the old days.


@sjvn When libraries were dumping these, I bought one from a liquidator. My only regret is not having bought more of them.


@CentralHarlemNYC I should have! I kick myself now and live in hope that I'll find one somewhere.

Emily in the Library

@sjvn the most beautiful search engine that ever existed.

Maddad ☑️

Don't let the GOP people find this stash...

Kiron Bondale

@sjvn - I worked at a children's library in the 80's which had many banks of those card catalogs. Annual inventory was always "fun"!

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