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@ivory wait what??? I just searched two days ago for a Mac client and all were ages old!

Kris Venden

@ivory Full in 1 minute? Come on! :P please a few more slots..

Jonathan Rollans :trek:

@ivory Awesome! I feel like this is a reward for sitting at my MacBook doing tasks that I would rather not be doing.


Jason Kallelis

@ivory Already full after a minute?! My god.

𝒜dam 𝒮cheinberg // sethadam1

@ivory Gone in under a minute. Been a few months since we played this game ;)

Steve Umstead :coffeecup:

@ivory How is beta full so quickly? I literally clicked the Start Testing in 60 seconds from seeing this post.

Kristof :nvadmin:

@ivory how did this fill up in under a minute 😭


@ivory says it’s full, only been 1 minute ☹️

Jason Santa Maria

@ivory Dang, missed it! Any chance you'll open it up for Premier Sub folks? 😅

rstevens 🐳💨✅

RED ALERT IVORY FOR MAC IS TESTING sorry my caps lock was stuck


@ivory Nooo I’m picking up my kid from school! Someone save me a spot 😄

Brett Elliff

@ivory wow the slots filled up in under a min. 😭


@ivory that’s what I’m talking about. Your hard work is very much appreciated you two. 🍻🐘🤓

Florian Heidenreich

@ivory That filled up quickly ... please open some additional spots soon

Henry Cole

@ivory missed it cause I had to download testflight… grrr apple


@ivory Boo! Full!!! Ah well- can't wait for the real thing 😀

Rob Synnott

@ivory Wow, that filled up quickly. That wasn't the whole 10k, surely?

Michael Knepprath

@ivory agh! Got to the accept button and then got blocked 😅🥲

Sven A. Schmidt

@ivory lol, the push notification came in seconds after I rebooted my Mac for the system update 🤣


@ivory Theres no way that's full in a minute


“You cannot be charged real money in Testflight. You have to go through simulating a purchase in Testflight to use the app.”

This needs to be made MUCH clearer. My experience was:
• download
• WTF?
• delete

Ben Greenberg

@ivory ran to my laptop immediately but it's full :(


@ivory Damn. My internet connection was extra slow this evening... ☹️

mingistech :mastodon:

@ivory I ran to my Mac, but not fast enough. Doh!!!!!

Trezzer (aka Helvedeshunden)

@ivory I knew it would be full by the time I reached my laptop... ...3 minutes later.


@ivory A few more TestFlight slots would have been nice, I clicked a minute after your post and the beta was already full ☹️



I was too slow to get in on the Ivory macOS test flight. 🫠


@ivory beta is full…2 minutes after posting.

Григорий Клюшников

I'm in but I'm on macOS 12 lol
Might consider updating just for it though

Andrew Friedrichs

@ivory I had to install TestFlight on my Mac! Dang!!

Thomas Bonk

@ivory Damn it! 3 minutes and it‘s already full 😕

Tim T—

@ivory Yay. I’m excited and also depressed: I’m stuck with Monterey. I get that you need to have a minimum, but Apple’s updates last year left a lot of not so old Macs behind, far earlier than expected. Including me. :/

Ernie Miller

@ivory Any plans for an outright purchase option? Was excited to try Ivory on iOS and then saw it was only via subscription.

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