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David Collantes

@davidgerard I agree it is a controversial topic. The hidden comments I came across don’t add value to the discussion, though. I get strong feelings/beliefs are at play, but “Duck Google. No telemetry.” isn’t the best way to make a case. Plenty of off topic comments too because they are, really, off topic.

If anything, this proves that GitHub issues/discussions are not the best place to carry out this kind of discourse.

David Gerard

@david if you are careful to define objection to your corporate-mandated plan as off topic then it's off topic, well done. 0=0.

David Gerard

@david but if you're here to tell me there aren't meaningful objections to this, you're a clown.

David Collantes

@davidgerard never said there weren’t meaningful objections. Yet, your original post was not completely accurate.

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