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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


I'm not against responsible and transparent telemetry, but that's a line in the sand they just crossed. 😔


Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@RL_Dane yeah... I think that folks who use go and do care about their privacy need to have a think about where go figures in their future.

Although for some projects who have chosen to write them in go, they won't be able to stop.

There's limited pressure that can be put on google. it's a large Corp, known for #massdatacollection. For every coder that stops, others won't.

I'm glad my project isn't in that position. But other projects are. Faustian bargain indeed.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


The thing that's been concerning me is the incessant hardware and software treadmill that's been established.

Not only are applications constantly moving targets, but also operating systems and NOW programming languages as well.

The more we pivot into the total fly-by-night, seat-of-your-pants kind of architecture, the more we are ONE good solar flare away from total societal collapse -- and I'm usually NOT that kind of a doom-and-gloomer.


Scott Williams 🐧

@RL_Dane @davidgerard @onepict #telemetry like this should always be an opt-in thing. I'm curious if this is actually legal in the EU or in California? Seems like it might fly in the face of CCPA or GDPR.

David Gerard

@vwbusguy this is a question that is being asked, and being hidden. the answer per the letter of the law in both jurisdictions is "lol hell no."

Scott Williams 🐧

@davidgerard The implementation could get particularly interesting since #Google is a #California company and definitely falls under the #CCPA. #IANAL

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Understanding how incredibly useful basic metrics are, I'm not against *extremely* basic telemetry being on by default, like literally a single https POST on initial startup containing the build number and perhaps a single 64-bit hash of some dmidecode data.

And I'm usually the one screaming loudest about corporate privacy violations.

@davidgerard @onepict


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