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Sean T. McBeth 🍻

@davidgerard how did the software industry survive before telemetry? The way these companies make it sound, they'd be out on the street with their hats in their hands if they couldn't phone home.

Vertigo #$FF

@seanmcbeth @davidgerard They relied heavily on such medieval techniques as maintaining customer support staff, user surveys, keeping an eye on outside support channels, etc.

But, we are in the renny-seance period now, so companies are better than that. All hail Big Data. Don't forget to rub Big Table's belly for good luck.

The Doctor

@vertigo @seanmcbeth @davidgerard So that's what the kids are calling it these days..

Steve Lord

@vertigo @seanmcbeth @davidgerard I remember when big table was what you got told off for putting your elbows on at dinner. And we'd 'ave t' deliver our packets uphill both ways in the snow over ISDN!

Orangestar :apartyblobcat:

@seanmcbeth IIRC, aggressive registration cards. Telemetry just made that easier.



Without telemetry you might have to actually *gasp* talk to your user community

Otte Homan

@seanmcbeth @davidgerard prod profiling might be helpful for dev purposes but what *exactly* are they telemetrizing anyway? Execution times of sprintf() statements? WiFi ping latency? How is that helping beta?

Mark Tomczak

@seanmcbeth @davidgerard Software was worse because it mostly relied on guesswork and self-reporting.

Certainly doable without it, but so is driving a car with manual transmission.

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