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Bigger and Better.

The new desktop timeline will be rolling out soon! #pixelfed


@pixelfed can we open images in full screen ?


@pixelfed great, that was clearly missing. Goog to know 😃

betamax 65 💉💉💉

@pixelfed As long as I only find this in the AppStore, you are not an alternative for me. I know there is also a mobile web frontend, I just say: no not acceptable.


@betamax65 Our main priority is building an accessible platform for the open web. Mobile apps are nice, but not everyone has access to the app stores or smartphones.

betamax 65 💉💉💉

@pixelfed Have fun with it. I have access to this technology and that's how I measure what technology gets a chance with me and what doesn't. For me, it's still primarily the benefit and not the ideology that counts.


@betamax65 I understand that, we are working on a mobile app. We don't want to rush it though, Instagrams app set quite a high bar. The first impression means everything, and I hope you give it a try when released!

Inga stands with Ukraine

@pixelfed @betamax65 please, PLEASE, could you also make properly working federation at least one of your priorities? Without it there is little sense in using pixelfed, unfortunately 😿

Tommi 🤯

@betamax65 @pixelfed

You are most definitely right, but I will never convince my friends to move to Pixelfed with me if they have no app to use Pixelfed from! Nobody among common photo-sharing apps’ users posts or scrolls their feed from the web interface…

In my opinion, developing an app should be priority number one, since I am confident and almost sure that it would greatly increase the user base!

🐙 André 🐙

@pixelfed very nice! Much cleaner and better browsable. Maybe we can have a floating "New Post" Button instead of the tiny plus?

Григорий Клюшников

When VK rolled out large photos, that produced some memes.

So... Спасибо, Дань, теперь видно!


@pixelfed Maybe instead of having that large search bar, move it to the side. That way you can make the feed have more vertical space!

:ancap: ₿⚡&+

Is the timeline cronological or algoritmical?


@pixelfed Do you plan to get proximamanet update? :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

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