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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Ah yes, this clearly sounds like someone who is mentally stable right? Elon continues to be a 🤡

“Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining reach”


@gamingonlinux He's still trying to figure out how to purchase love.

slade 🏳️‍🌈

He's making my mental state back in elementary school look normal. It's actually really triggering to watch at this point.

Dark Photon Studio

@gamingonlinux 100 million followers and not one of them is a bot, because they got rid of all the bots. Right?


@gamingonlinux To be fair: It should be only 1 line of code to subscribe everyone to Elons tweets. How lazy are those devs? 🥳

Gilles Gagniard

@gamingonlinux He burned $44B on an ego trip to satisfy his crave of exposure. I don't even believe anymore he has a plan or a hidden agenda.


@gamingonlinux His lack of self-awareness is absolutely appalling.

Ben Ptacek

@gamingonlinux this is exactly the stuff that non-tech folks don’t realize… you don’t see the impact right away when you lay off many staff. It can take while before the gremlins and inexperience shows. Reading the article, I see “inadvertently deleted” and then “the firm that made the service has been gone since November”. So yeah… there is a reason why you staff, hand off and have the people that grew the business.


> The perks that made Twitter an attractive place to work pre-Musk have been eradicated. Food at the office? “Sucks — and now we have to pay for it. ..."

Psst, Twitter employees: eat the rich


@gamingonlinux it's like a dumpster on fire inside another dumpster which is also on fire.


@gamingonlinux Maybe Twitter blue could help? On the other hand I'm not sure if he can afford that these days...

Denis Anderson

@gamingonlinux i had always been looking forward to getting a Tesla but Elon has disappointed me so much with his crazyness. I would not buy any product produced by a company that he has anything to do with now.

Mike Majeski

@gamingonlinux That entire meeting recap gets hilarious when you imagine it’s Gavin Belson in Silicon Valley

Fahri Reza

@gamingonlinux also tech smart means you know obscure trivia that lies deep in a forest of codes. That he definitely is not.

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