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Eugen Rochko

I need to figure out which accounts (with permission) to feature in the App Store screenshots and I'm not even sure where to begin...


@Gargron make a list of those you would like to have. Assign numbers. Roll dice. Ask for permission. repeat until enough are selected


@Gargron me! People will love my random crappy posts lol

Matthias Bach

@Gargron I am aware that I am not a candidate anyhow. But of course I wouldn't mind. Posts are public and CC after all.


@Gargron Scroll through the servers listed on and ask each admin for a suggestion from their server?

People from were important for me to see that Mastodon is not just for geeks. Featuring an artist's account might be important for others too.

And, of course, cat pics? @catstar ?

Григорий Клюшников

Just retoot some cat pictures and screenshot that.


@Gargron Obviously you want someone with a lot of followers. Probably doesn't need to be said, but I'm bored, so at this point nothing is too obvious.

Gary Murphy

@Gargron I can post some podcasts and let you feature me.


@Gargron How would one get an invite to be asked?


@Gargron I would love to appear in the ScreenShots

Aaron Garcia :v21:

@Gargron you can feature me :) I'd be honored to be selected.

Eugen Rochko

@aarongarcia Even if I wanted to feature you I could not do that with a fake verified mark in your display name

Aaron Garcia :v21:

@Gargron technically I designed the checkmark. Up to you if you want to feature me. The meaning behind this checkmark is that mainstream social media didn't verify me, so I verified myself.

Eugen Rochko

@aarongarcia Yeah, people are going to be fooled though

Aaron Garcia :v21:

@Gargron I'll remove it if it's your condition to be featured. I had my fun with it. It was nice to see it there for a bit.

Eugen Rochko

@aarongarcia No, it's fine. I already got profile screenshots. I just wanted to let you know.

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