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Sean Corfield

@Gargron Korean double-fried chicken wings? What's the sauce on them? (I had that for lunch with "spicy hot" and "smokey onion" sauces)


@Gargron Yes!! More food posts on the fediverse 🤝🏼



(What's that pink "sauce"? Hand sanitizer? 😁)


@Gargron I like what you did with Mastodon and everything, but how do you have so much money to eat in these restaurants? You have another source of money income, or.. you use donation money to sustain yourself? No offense, I'm just curious.

A very stubborn phoenix

@Gargron @gmate8 please don’t forget to invite #johnmastodon next time. He’ll surely be happy to join the table. :blobcatfingerguns:

Autolycus :freebsd:

@Gargron I'm not so sure about food that requires one to keep Pepto-Bismol so closely on hand.

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