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Sam Henri Gold

We need to talk about how bad disk utility has been neutered over the years. My external drive refused to format because it was scawwy NTFS. And disk utility just,,.. doesn't touch NTFS now. "Wiping volume data to prevent future accidental probing failed".

You know what i had to do to fix it? Break out my Snow Leopard iMac. That fucker will reformat anything with a pulse. NTFS, USB webcam, the current boot volume, it doesn't care. It's awesome

Mike Beasley

@samhenrigold my computer just hangs when I plug in my encrypted time machine drive. It takes many, many minutes before disk utility actually recognizes it. sometimes i just have to unplug and try again after a while.


@samhenrigold it’s gotten better since the original redesign in El Capitan (the one in El Cap was really bad) but it is still so much worse than before

Joseph Schacherer-Jaramillo

@samhenrigold What’s especially weird is the command line tools for all this still work fine. It’s just the GUI they broke.


@samhenrigold yup since the redesign, whatever they did with it, it’s far worse and I expect it won’t see any attention for another decade or so as is usually the way

Григорий Клюшников

In case you'll need to do it again, `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/diskX` should do the trick to make the disk fully uninitialized. You don't even need to overwrite the whole thing, overwriting the partition table at the beginning is enough.

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