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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

People sometimes ask me how I managed to make a success of this, considering Linux is still a tiny niche and only now becoming actually popular with Steam Deck so here’s my story.

See what you’ve got to do is basically never go outside, always be online, work for nothing for a few years, gradually build an audience, and then continue working for very little for years until…well still very little compared to a “real job” 💀


@gamingonlinux @valvesoftware
I think you two are very actively going in the same direction. I bet it would be a great investment to support GOL.


@gamingonlinux Got a BuyMeACoffee or other donation method? Not fond of Patreon and similar "recurring" services.

Andrzej Stamburski

@gamingonlinux Gaming on linux is the future... :-)
I know, i know, you would also like to earn something in present times :-)

Kenneth S. Cremeans (kcSeb)

"considering Linux is still a tiny niche and only now becoming actually popular with Steam Deck"

I don't quite think that's fair to say, at all...


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as "the Linux grindset", is in fact, "the GNU/Linux grindset", or as I've recently taken to calling it, "GNU plus Linux plus capitalism".


@gamingonlinux Until the Steam Deck, I thought gaming on Linux was all the stuff you do until the game launches and works perfect. There was a time when I installed Steam games, tinkered with them until they ran fine under Wine, and then uninstalled them!

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