@t_aus_m @fdroidorg this. Many of us need third party repos.
@grote @feonixrift @fdroidorg In that case I can already report the Bitwarden repo as broken. @bitwarden @t_aus_m @feonixrift @fdroidorg @bitwarden That should have been fixed already: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues/2502 @grote https://community.kde.org/Android/FDroid @friend @kde @feonixrift @t_aus_m @fdroidorg Could you report this upstream, please? They need to fix their repo address: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues/2390 @friend @grote @kde @fdroidorg thanks. also, we're happy to help the maintainer of any repos with this issue. Just reach out via any of the channels, e.g. https://f-droid.org/about/#contact |
Most repos should continue working. If not, that is also something we or the repo needs to know about.
@t_aus_m @fdroidorg