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The worst thing about having your password stolen is having to rename the dog.


@dgar named mine FHLheLevBgKkNULwfaSxhJ7txArS8E, but lost him at the dog park when trying to call him


@dgar just put an exclamation mark on the end of his name


Theta Sigma

@dgar at least that’s less stressful than when your PIN is stolen, which forces you to have yet another child and all the sleepless nights that entails.


maybe that’s why being born-again is so popular…😂

SuddenGenesis ııııÍıííí

@dgar I tried but Snoop Dogg isn’t even accepting my calls ☹️☹️☹️

Mark Mason

@dgar once someone hacked my iPhone and I had to get new face.

Foggy mind

@dgar The next most stressful thing ls learning how to pronounce "Hey, Tz765ght;PSv3, fetch!"

Brent "the birdman" Loon

@dgar Unrelated but everyone who Boosted/favorited this post, I'm gonna DM you and ask what your dog's name is.

Max Leibman

@dgar At a prior job, I was frequently in a position where people would share passwords with me, so I got very good at guessing their pets’ names or their kids’ birthdays based on their passwords.

Doug Elkin

@dgar brb, gotta take out Ph@sed_toona_breath_157 for a walk


Man, worst is having to rename your first pet even though they've been dead for 30 years.

Fred Brooker



it's Elon Musk's dog

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