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Jennifer Wojcik


Sorry to keep commenting, but I have direct experience with this. It was exactly this way in Portland during the George Floyd protests.

It was not us who were rioting. Standing still in a line with arms linked chanting slogans is not rioting.

It was them. Every time.

Wendell Bell

@JenWojcik Guess who got the party started in Minneapolis at the Autozone across from the Third Precinct? #UmbrellaMan


@wndlb @JenWojcik pretty sure that dude's identity is still unsubstantiated


@Zeke @wndlb @JenWojcik I believe the Daily Beast outed him, but I could be wrong, since there are well over a thousand criminals involved in fueling their desired Civil War.


@thepoliticalcat @wndlb @JenWojcik you're right, I stand corrected re umbrella man.

Still, Minneapolis takes credit for the third precinct. That's ours

Jennifer Wojcik

@doxy_cycling @thepoliticalcat @Zeke @wndlb

They may not be sure, but those of us who were there, are.

Saw it with my own eyes.

Doxy_cycling, S.P. MPH MLS

@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @Zeke @wndlb

I might have been unclear in my post. They know that umbrella guy was clearly the instigator, it just seems they haven’t been able to confirm the ID and are trying to get more info. guy was clearly trying to start a riot.

Jennifer Wojcik

@doxy_cycling @thepoliticalcat @Zeke @wndlb

Right. Yeah. They can't ID him, but TBH... I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if it was a PPD officer.

thepoliticalcat replied to Jennifer

@JenWojcik Apologies for being such a member of the Alt-Write, but I think you mean "loth," which isn't synonymous with loathe. I beg your pardon.

Wendell Bell replied to Jennifer

@JenWojcik @doxy_cycling @thepoliticalcat @Zeke Some of the counter-terrorism researchers did ID him—as a neo-Nazi in Stillwater (MN’s serious prison), and then an ex-con. Because never arrested, Occam wonders if he wasn’t also an informant.

Wendell Bell

@doxy_cycling @JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @Zeke If he hadn’t been there, someone else would have busted out Target’s windows, or started looting that pawn shop. Minnehaha Liquors was enjoying record sales there for a while, until it got burned too.


@JenWojcik @mekkaokereke Portland was among the worst I saw during that period (and the unmarked vans snatching citizen from the street, WTF?!?), but I also remember a very ugly Boston Police Riot and really there was just so much to choose from. Remember that old man knocked down by the Buffalo police? Think I recently saw, no charges or discipline for those servants of the people. Kyle, the killer in Kenosha, got high fives from the police etc etc

Jennifer Wojcik

@BrentInMasto @mekkaokereke

Yeah, I was "unarrested" by my companions. They tried it, but I'm slippery. And yes to ALLLLL of that.


@BrentInMasto @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke I kept waiting to hear of someone being held accountable for the people being snatched off the streets by the people in unmarked vans. And, yeah, no one accountable for the head injury of the old man simply asking a question.

Jennifer Wojcik

@CStamp @BrentInMasto @mekkaokereke

It will never happen. There was no identification whatsoever on any uniform at any time. The vehicles were rented and unmarked. There will never be accountability for what they did to us.


@JenWojcik @CStamp @mekkaokereke Yeah, I had hoped Anonymous or some Antifa friendly hacking group would turn up _something_ but <crickets>

Jennifer Wojcik

@BrentInMasto @CStamp @mekkaokereke

It's impossible. We all took photos, recorded (not people's faces because you don't do that crap at a protest), but they were all obscured. Head to toe riot gear. Black.


@JenWojcik @CStamp @mekkaokereke Yup, I was thinking there might be a paper trail to the places they'd rented the vans from or something

Amadi Lovelace

@JenWojcik @CStamp @BrentInMasto @mekkaokereke i’m still waiting for some accountability for enterprise rental car for being the providers of all of the vans being used by jump out squads and not just in Portland.


@BrentInMasto @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke That elderly gentleman, who was obviousy, blatantly, assaulted by the police is a lifelong peace activist who was trying to return something to a cop. As a result of that blow to the head, he ended up in care for quite a while, relearning how to function. TBI.


@thepoliticalcat @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke Was in a different thread, similar convo last night. Discussion focused on violent v non-violent protest and I commented that it sadly seems the only way non-violent protest works is if they get beaten badly in front of a camera and there is a public outcry and resulting action. That sense of public shock seems to be fading away as a possible agent of change. Today is a good test of that, once again at the cost of an innocent man's life.

Jennifer Wojcik

@BrentInMasto @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke

Yep. But then what next? Armed protests?

Because that's hot civil war and it's what they want.


@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke Yeah, I know! What next is the big question and we were all stumped last night too. Consensus seemed to be keep plugging away with mutual understanding and compassion and help to all. Be the better example and show how cooperation and respect can build a better future. I do put a lot of faith in this next generation coming up.


@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke Re next generation, they are going to have unheard of chances to change things like never before as all of society breaks down around their ears. Poor sods!


@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke Got three myself, two quite young but eldest knows what's up and is making me proud. I feel terrible about her chances of her living a better life than her parents but I do know she will live a life of her own regardless


@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke re armed protest and that being what they want, I brought up the same thing when someone suggested we needed to 'light a fire' last night. Turned out they meant more of start an enlightenment than a war


@BrentInMasto @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke But you're not talking about what we CAN do: we can start by ensuring the trial gets plenty of coverage. We can fund the memorial Tyre's parents want to dedicate to him. We can reach out to voters in red states via various political campaigns, or groups like Red2Blue. We can volunteer and knock doors and text folks, and turn out voters. Protest is only ONE of our tools.

Jennifer Wojcik

@thepoliticalcat @BrentInMasto @mekkaokereke

I ran for office, I worked my butt off. We all did. Preaching to the choir


@JenWojcik @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke Woah, running for office, congrats that is brave and a serious commitment. Old friend of mine recently took an independent run for Co Commission and I saw how hard he worked his butt off

Jennifer Wojcik

@BrentInMasto @thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke

I ran for New Mexico state house for the 2020 election. Hardest shit I've ever done, and I gave birth without drugs.


@JenWojcik @BrentInMasto @mekkaokereke Well, good for you! That is not, regrettably, something I could even consider, being elderly and quite disabled. I hope you will consider running again.


@thepoliticalcat @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke These are all great examples! And I think a lot of new people pick up and start using these things in response to tragedies around the issues they end up working to change.

Faye Loves Godzilla

@JenWojcik @mekkaokereke

my only gripe about PDX protests was the keyboard warrior men who kept telling women to go outside at night while sitting at home sending love/hate Tweets to Andy Ngo.

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