@BrentInMasto @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke That elderly gentleman, who was obviousy, blatantly, assaulted by the police is a lifelong peace activist who was trying to return something to a cop. As a result of that blow to the head, he ended up in care for quite a while, relearning how to function. TBI.
@thepoliticalcat @JenWojcik @mekkaokereke Was in a different thread, similar convo last night. Discussion focused on violent v non-violent protest and I commented that it sadly seems the only way non-violent protest works is if they get beaten badly in front of a camera and there is a public outcry and resulting action. That sense of public shock seems to be fading away as a possible agent of change. Today is a good test of that, once again at the cost of an innocent man's life.