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Even when its illegal its still legal.

Rick scott ran the largest medicare theft in history. His punishment was a $300 million golden parachute, a seat in the senate and the chair of the NRSC.

2 comments | Expand all CWs

@Spicewalla @JamesGleick I was just listening to the If Books Could Kill podcast episode on John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are From Venus, and it made the point that this country coddles and rewards major grifters. (Gray has no real expertise, a Ph.D. from the same diploma mill his then-wife and also a self-help grifter Barbara De Angelis got hers from, the now-defunct Columbia Pacific Univ.; both also very active in Transcendental Meditation.)

Kris Samsel

@Spicewalla @JamesGleick DOJ and Florida’s finest shows all of us that white collar crime, connected to politics? Means no indictment. Or slap on hand, at best. Who said there’s a balanced scale? Not in Corrupt Capital of the World.

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