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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

Hello Friends,

Wanted to make a note that our current roadmap is on our website:

We are a small company of 3 people and only 1 of us replies on this account. Between all the emails and messages here, it's hard to always answer everyone, but we do our best. If your question doesn't get answered here, it's not because we don't care. It's just impossible to always be around to answer everyone. Feel free to send us an email if you don’t get a response here. Thank you! 🙂

space scientist tikistitch


I still want you to sell T-shirts. Your little mascot is so cute!! ❤️ 🐘

kasharaylo ✅

@ivory it's kinda funny that you guys asking $20 subscription to use basically beta version of the application that don't have any of those basic features of this platform 😂
Literally, you force your users to be beta testers of the app and wait for all those features in the future and your excuse that you just 3 people-team.
This is just insane 🤯

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@kasharaylo No one is making you subscribe. Everyone has a choice. We have been making great software since 2008. We have a proven track record of providing great apps with a great experience. It literally says on our website what you are getting now and what you can expect in the future. 🙂

Nick Wood

@ivory @kasharaylo Also, my thing with this app is that Tweetbot has consistently been the cream of the crop w.r.t native Twitter apps since Twitter was founded (not to mention all the other excellent apps Tapbots makes), and now there is this opportunity to see what Tapbots can really do without being held back by artificial limitations on the API. Well worth my money. People who don’t know Tapbots’ reputation needs to educate themselves.

Benjamin Han

@ivory hopefully quoted posts gets higher priority.

Adam Shostack :donor: :rebelverified:

@ivory would love it if seeing a toot in bell/@ clears it from the other. Maybe that’s part of improved notifications already?

Ken Crandall

@ivory As lots have folks have already mentioned, thank you for the regular updates here. Love the work you’re doing and love having the “Tapbots experience” for Mastofon!

Jake Rodkin

@ivory very excited for an edit button and full alt text functionality.

browsing other instances is a great feature in other clients. it’d be absolutely amazing to “follow” another instances local timeline similar to following a hashtag. i know that’d be noisy for some users and some servers, but for others, that level of noise is probably super desirable.


@ivory it’s so fun to follow along on the journey as you continue to develop Ivory. Keep up the great work 😃

Harold Combs

@ivory loving . Your work is appreciated and I’m a subscriber.


@ivory I’m excited to see where y’all go with this, and to see you freed from the frankly abusive relationship with Twitter, but… have you got any kind of official statement or response to the criticism of the name? Or better yet, plans to change it? The ivory trade does not exactly have the best reputation and I’ve seen a ton of complaints about it. I kinda don’t want to try it because I don’t want people noticing it as the client and yelling at me about elephant murder

Kit 🎧 :ir:


Thanks for this excellent roadmap that, coincidentally, has checkboxes for all the features I was going to suggest. It reinforces my decision to support via paid subscription.


@ivory Edit posts, supress duplicate boosts, then maybe quote posts would be my top 3 but honestly, quote posts sin’t nearly as bug for me as it is for others (I do the Mastodon thing and reply yo a post and boost that reply). But still glad to see those are all on there and you’re not working the list in the order shown. Godspeed and good luck with the improvements!

Skyler Blue

@ivory “Browse other instances” and “quote posts” both look super exciting! Maybe quote posts will get the mastodon admins to add it as a feature.


@ivory keep up the good work, the app is already great

Jon Edge 😈

@ivory any plans for an Android version of your app? I know your original Twitter app was iOS only. Would love to see what the buzz is about, but I'm an Android guy! Share the love!


@ivory I’m already impressed with what you’ve shipped. Great work! Looking forward to the updates.

Ted Tschopp

@ivory I would love to have follow other instance like a follow Hashtag. Then dedupe that “feed” and have it as the default feed instead of Home or Local

Ringo De Smet

@ivory if I want to send email, what is the correct address?


Great job my friends!
The only feature that i miss alot is that searching for anything in Ivory always results in zero results. 🙁

Matt Wilcox

@ivory Desperate for you to fix Filters so they work properly. Well curated filters are the biggest benefit of Mastodon, and it not working in Ivory is a major blocker for me using Ivory (I've still bought it, because kudos to you!)

Jolie 🏳️‍⚧️

@ivory I’m loving the current release. I was a longtime Tweetbot user. And I’m very happy to see what’s on your list. Several items I was hoping for.

Brian McCracken

@ivory I appreciate your hard and quick work to get this out to users after Twitter pulled the plug on tweetbot.


@ivory Hi there,
what’s the difference between the Pro and Premier yearly subscriptions? I really love your app and want to continue using it with the maximum of features!
Matthias 👍😎

Alan Hesketh

@ivory I’ve been a long time user of Tweetbot and looking forward to using Ivory as it develops. Any chance of allowing people to transfer their remaining subscription on Tweetbot to Ivory? I know you can't give refunds, but this would be a nice gesture for your fans.

Mike Byrne

@ivory Thanks for doing a great job of getting something out quickly. I’ve used Tweetbot forever and won’t use Twitter without it, so it’s great to have something familiar on Masto. I insta-subscribed.

I'll wait patiently for the macOS version.

John Ulrik

@ivory Hello Tapbots Friends, one more for the wish list: an option to display threaded posts as groups in one’s timeline (or other timelines)

Alan Hesketh

@ivory Do you have any timing on your macOS version? I see you teasing it in your profile, and would love to run it on my Mac to fill the hole that Tweetbot has left.

Josh de Lioncourt (author)🏳️‍🌈

@ivory is there any hope that will adhere to Apple’s standards? I am hoping the fresh start may lead to something better.

Grant Gochnauer 🏳️‍🌈

@ivory Just wanted to send my love.. Keep going. We appreciate it!

James Arthur

@ivory You’re doing great, it’s coming along nicely.

Matt Shilling

@ivory Thanks for all the hard work! The app is fantastic already. Really looking forward to the Mac app and the ability to quote posts!


@ivory new customer as of today, great app!

Johnny Rollerfeet

@ivory wanted to give you a *thumbs up* — Ivory looks great. I wasn’t sure I could like Mastodon as much as Twitter but this app makes it feel homey.

Tom Moore

@ivory Thank you for this. You brought this on yourselves by being awesome and developing a rabid customer base as a result, but I see your point.

Adam on an 🐘

@ivory not sure if it’s been asked yet, but any plans on adding auto-threading for longer posts?

Nathan King

@ivory If I had to distill the interface of Ivory down to one word, it would be sophisticated. The minimalist interface possesses wonderful clarity, and the iconography lends a unique flair to the app. With Ivory, simple doesn't mean primitive, and less doesn't feel sparse. I'm looking forward to watching how the app develops.

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

@ivory glad to see quote near the bottom. Too bad this isn’t a ranked list

ひらさわ さとり㌠Å🗝*̣̩⋆̩ ²⁷


I'm Japanese and have been using tweetbot2 since. Thank you for providing a useful application. I have a request on ivory. I would like you to support the schedule posting function of the Mastodon API. We support you in the future!


@ivory The ability to follow hashtags, and add other servers. Ice Cubes and Mammoth already do this, both of these should really be at the top of your list to add. Not slating, for a first version it’s a fantastic app!!!

Arthur Givigir

hi @ivory ! Where can I find my followed hashtags?

Peter N Lewis

@ivory Do you/will you support multiple accounts (on the Mac version)?


@ivory excited to be part of this new chapter of mastodon.


@ivory Edit Profile would be really nice.

Egan Schulz

@ivory the top of your list should be signing up for mastodon. The current process on the main org website is a huge roadblock to adoption. You could corner the entire app experience if you nailed that.


@ivory love your work.
One frustration I'm currently having: when looking up who other people follow, I can only see users from my instance. Is this a limitation by mastodon? Or will this be opened up when "browsing other instances" is implemented?


@ivory When Mac version of app will be available?

Mark Theascetic

@ivory: Please consider a Mac version. It is really nice to view all the great art and photos of Mastodon on a large, high quality monitor but there is so little support for this. Help!


@ivory Love your app! And that’s a really nice profile picture you have there. I’d like exactly that as an app icon. 😉


@ivory Great to see transparency! Looking forward to continued improvement on !!!


@ivory this roadmap looks awesome. Makes me excited for future releases. Thank you for doing such an awesome job!


@ivory I decided for the pro version of your app, because I want to support it. I don’t really know what features I receive though, apart from the different icons

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@N2 All the subscription tiers get you the same features in Ivory. 🙂

Amílcar E. Challú


Developers: just a vote for following and tracking hashtags. This is the reason I still keep Ice Cubes (which is also a great client)

Jose Gutierrez

@ivory new user here: what is the best way to discover new accounts?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@joseg Browsing your local and federated timelines are great ways right now. In the future we will have the ability to view other server instances and also much better support for hashtags which is another great way to discover new people.

Paul Biggar

@ivory ivory is really great! Of those, I would prioritize removing duplicate posts! But far the most annoying thing on mastodon

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@paulbiggar We pushed a beta out with this feature done. Should be out in the official version somewhat soon. 🙂

Julio Loayza

@ivory Lists were the feature I used most frequently in Tweetbot. It’s not implemented in the official iOS Mastodon client, so that’d encourage me to give Ivory a try.

Chris A. Waters

@ivory I’m already starting to feel at home with Mastodon because of the great work you are doing with Ivory. Thanks for the quality product and continued updates!

Jens Matheuszik

@ivory How about threads with more than one post?


@ivory The app is already excellent. I was wondering if there are any plans to include the option to choose the language of a post. It would also be useful if the app could automatically detect the language of a post.

Frank’s Thing

@ivory two questions 1. how soon before ivory displays alt text for images and 2. Should i send an email of the error I’m getting when trying to follow hashtags?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@franksting We don't have dates for when anything will be out. We just work and push updates when we are at a good spot to do so. If you email us through the support section of our app, it will send us error logs that will help us find your issues.

Will Harrington

@ivory wonderful product - just subscribed!

Brian Jackson

@ivory feature request: the ability to report posts to moderators. Thanks for creating a great app!


@ivory I immediately charged ivory to use it! Easy to use! Thank you!

Chris David Miles

@ivory based on the quality of the app I assumed it was a much larger team. you're doing great work, keep it up! 😁


@ivory I’ve been using Ivory for a few days and it’s been great so far. Performance is so much better than other apps and as an average user there is not much else I would ask for. The two features I say are still missing are:
1. seamless direct messages. Right now it’s kinda difficult to send one if you are just a casual user. Toooth has a DM link if you look at a Profile.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@dowpfl we will be improving translation services in the future. DM’s are different because they are really DM’s in mastodon. They aren’t really private and someone could get into trouble if we treated as so.


@ivory Interesting. I guess what Toooth is doing is just setting the visibility to mentioned people only behind the scenes. Those “DMs” show up with this tag in my Ivory mentions feed.

Thanks again!!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@dowpfl yes that’s what they are doing. We wouldn’t mind potentially having an easy access button to do that, but it’s really the same thing.

TheWoz :verified_paw:

@ivory Where can I report bugs so I don't spam you?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@woz Contact us button in the support section of our app.

JD Bartee

@ivory might I request- if it hasn’t been already- support for server announcements.


@ivory Thank you for making amazing apps. I used Tweetbot forever. I don't use Mastodon much, but I'll support you all!

Francesco Maida

@ivory Hello. When ivory will be available on Mac, will we have to make a second subscription for it or will we be able to use the existing Ivory subscription for iOS?

Jaxon Ashton

@ivory Consider me interested in helping to beta test.


@ivory Thank you for your great job!👏


@ivory I love Ivory. It feels very intuitive. I’m wondering whether there is a plan to add the ability to add, not just read, alt text to photos.


Thank you for all the hard work. Keep it up and you will be the elephant herd leader!

Pedro Marques

Navigating Mastodon using @ivory is like putting on a perfectly prescribed pair of eyeglasses. What a revelation. Now I know how early users were able to tolerate the platform and build it up to what it became. Well done @paul 👏🏼


@ivory i can’t search all networks and find other accounts? Is that normal and is that feature coming soon as it works with the official app?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@riccphoto Search results are the same aside from hashtags. Our current search system just requires you to choose the “Find users with..." option instead of hitting the search button. The search button only searches for posts on your instance and only if search is enabled on your instance.


@ivory what I mean is on mastodon I search a user, I find that user. On Ivory I search the same user eg „transport evolved“ and it doesn’t return anything and says check if search is enabled for your instance. Where do I enable? Sorry it’s confusing for someone new to mastodon like me.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@riccphoto Our search is currently still based on how Twitter worked, so you can't search for a user by typing characters and hitting the search button on the keyboard. You have to tap the button we have under the search box that says "find users with ..." instead.


@ivory Hello! You should be aware that there is a Mastodon client on Android called Ivory. It, too, is being offered as an early access release. I’ve only just realised that it is nothing to do with you, so I guess that other people may make the same mistake. My suspicions were prompted by the fact that it is noticeably very buggy, unlike your iOS offerings 😉

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@carlcaulkett we are aware. It’s actually an old abandoned app that hasn’t been updated for years. We talked to the developer of it before naming ours. The owner of that all would take it down, but doesn’t have the login credentials for it anymore.


@ivory Please provide a German translation. Thank you.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@brandensittich We will once we get a bit further with the app. Right now we are making too many text changes and don't want to localize now and have to keep asking for constant localization updates with every release.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@sgrif Unfortunately, no one on our small team has an Android device, let alone has any experience developing for that platform. 😳

Sage Griffin 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

@ivory So what you're saying is I can mail you a phone, a few books, maybe a subscription to upcase or another platform, that'll be what it takes? 🙃


@ivory great job guys.. looking forward to Support for custom instance emoji 🙏

Dr. Motte

@ivory hello & greetings from . You do a great job! Thank you. I used instead of more than 10 years. I’m not on twitter anymore. I love the great UX of what you do. I would love to have editing post on Mastodon because of mistyping of words. And I would love to make groups here like 🖖🏻👽 regards, Dr. Motte

Justin Scholz

@ivory any chance to get the scrolling behaviour of @Iconfactory 's twitterrific? So one could scroll back when one accidentally scrolles up and "reads" everything? Or scrolling to the marker?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@jmovs You can do that from the status bar (timestamp) now if you accidentally scrolled from the status bar. But we will find an elegant way to deal with this for the tab button in the future.

Justin Scholz

@ivory the solution that twitterrific had was really great - maybe a good starting point to be inspired by :) thanks for the hint with the status bar!

Yogi Pritch

@ivory Any way to pin, rather than follow, hashtags?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@yogipritch We still have a lot of work to do with hashtags. That will come.

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