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n8chz ⒶⒺ

@jaredwhite @jamescridland Stuff like this is why so many of us so adamantly and incessantly bleat #ProtocolsNotPlatforms but it all seems in vain. Certainly #media are a source of headwinds for this informational campaign. Obviously this is because media are, by their very nature, monetized. I don't think monetized activity is possible on a (open) protocol, and it seems non-monetized activity is nearly impossible on a #platform (or even a platform-dominated #web).

n8chz ⒶⒺ

@jaredwhite @jamescridland I'm pretty sure a majority of the members of our society (even a majority of the artists) are not #anticapitalist. It's understood and largely accepted that opportunities to earn income do not occur apart from opportunities to get exploited.

n8chz ⒶⒺ

@jaredwhite @jamescridland A nonproprietary alternative for communication or "content distribution" will simply be seen as an opportunity to earn $0. If it happens to cost $0 to use, the professional (by the usual definition) will use the free (in both senses) system basically to promote instances of their "content" in monetized spaces (platforms), and for not much else. I'm not gonna judge that, but I usually don't follow such accounts, either.

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