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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

Say Hello to Ivory. We are now available to all on Apple’s App Store! We have launched as “Early Access” because we still have a lot of exciting plans ahead of that will make Ivory even better. Go download it, try it free for 7 days, and experience it for yourself!


@ivory yessss! Loving the app already and subscription paid!!! Great job!


@ivory nice app! Do u have a plan to make MacOS version?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@ut1ft Yes, the public alpha should be out fairly soon. We are working hard to get to that point and will announce it from this account.


@ivory I confess that the prices in Brazil scared me a little, almost 3 times more expensive for monthly subscription when compared to Tweetbot subscription. I hope you carefully review these values, for now, I will continue using the official Mastodon App.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@maicon We highly underpriced Tweetbot because of the terrible API we had to use. We are pricing Ivory where we think it's worth. And many customers have told us that the app is too expensive as well as that it is too cheap. So we feel like we hit the sweet spot in terms of pricing. But keep an eye on our development of the app and one day you might find that it's worth your business. 🙂

Bob Laycock

@ivory So far ivory is wonderful! It is beautifully designed and very useable even in Early Access status with features still missing. I’m already using it exclusively. Great job guys!!

Mattis 🐘 🇩🇪 🤝 🇺🇦

@ivory I’ll definitely go with Ivory, when your App is translated into German 😊


Very nice and awesome that you can continue past the unfair Twitter situation.

And just as I'm loathe to use Twitter without Tweetbot, I'd probably not bothered starting on Mastodon (!name) if it wasn't for Ivory.

Jon (TechNurseJon) :finsup:

@ivory Sweet, I’ve been looking forward to this. 👍🏻

Scott Raymond :veritrek_red:

@ivory @paul Before my wife and I pull the trigger on a premium pro subscription, I have a few questions I’m unclear about.

1) How does the family plan work? Does my wife do a restore purchase, and then add my personal Apple ID or Mastodon account, or do we have to share the same account?


@ivory no option to buy the app, only subscriptions. disappointing.

Andrew Herron

@ivory you don’t know how happy this makes me!

… well ok based on how much reaction you had to the beta you probably do. Happy to see the next evolution of the snowballing mastodon growth.


@ivory So happy to find you on Mastodon !

Kevin McMurphy 🤔

@ivory congrats on the launch! 2nd times the charm.


@ivory what is the price after the 7 days? the appstore just displays a "get" button, but no information about the final price...


@ivory Using Voiceover with iOs, and the “try it free” button didn’t do anything. FYI


@ivory Congratulations. When life hands you Elons…


@ivory already subscribed, macOS Version would be cool in the future :)

MSTDN Alternativo

@ivory Amazing , instant Pro subscription . 🇧🇷 🙌🏻🥳😘😘😘😘👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Jose Pino

La app que lle falta a Mstdn es @ivory

Second Time Lucky?

@ivory guys. Appreciate you creating the App and appreciate you running a business but charging to post after the 7 day free trial is ridiculous. What will Mastodon or Twitter be if you are charged to post!?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@secondtimelucky Not sure what you mean? Our app is a paid app via sub. The purpose is to spend 7 days evaluating the app and deciding if it's worth subbing or not. If not, delete and find a more suitable app for you. 🙂 It's not a free app with IAP to add extra features.

Second Time Lucky?

@ivory OK. Only pointing out that posting is a free feature on Mastodon. However if you choose to call that development costs and the basic function becomes a chargeable feature after 7 days then the native App it is.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@secondtimelucky Well in theory everything is a free feature on Mastodon. 🙂 We aren't selling basic tools. We are selling an app experience. Most apps will do the same basic things people need to use Mastodon. But some people want more than that. Building an app that uses the Mastadon API isn't that hard. But building one with great performance, beautiful design, and a good UX is not easy. We aren't in the business to sell features alone.

Second Time Lucky?

@ivory Good luck. I hope lots of people find the added experience worth while

Rishi Ó

I noticed @ivory officially supports iOS and MacOS. I know iPadOS works with it, but is there any plans for official iPadOS support?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@rishio Not sure what you mean by official iPadOS support? It's already there? We support all of the iPad specific features.

Rishi Ó

@ivory Good to know. Purchased and just getting the hang of this stuff. I read iOS and MacOS Apps, but didn’t see any commitment referencing iPadOS for future updates.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@rishio We consider iOS and iPadOS pretty much the same. 🙂 But our app works great in Stage Manager, has keyboard/trackpad support, works in all the split screen configurations, and you can run multiple instances of the app.

Rishi Ó

@ivory Awesome. I’m sold on the tech part. Will give this a try for a few months ⌁

Jey 

@ivory Shit subscription epidemic and that for a simple reader client. One-time payment would be okay. is even available completely free of charge

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Joey_Belladonna It's okay that some people just don't understand all the hard work involved to make a client like ours. Those that do and feel value in it, will subscribe. Those that don’t have many other choices. There’s something for everyone here. 🙂

Benjamin Rivers

@ivory Using it, subbed, enjoying it — thank you! And best wishes for future success.

Brooklyn Zelenka

I'm giving Ivory a whirl this morning. Seems pretty nice so far 🐘✨

Martin Southard

@ivory Am not getting any results when trying to search anything - what am I doing wrong?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@puddybuddy Our search tab still needs some work because we aren't using the hashtag search api yet. Searching for posts will only yield results from the instance you are on (mastodon limitation) and only if search has been enabled for your server. But you can compare results with your instance's website? Not sure if I have to be logged in for it to function, but I'm not getting any results from the Posts search results either.

Martin Southard

@ivory That's not a problem - just wanted to make sure it wasn't me 😁 Enjoying Ivory - thank you for all your hard work 👍

Miguel Felipe

@ivory Translation into Portuguese from Brazil 🇧🇷 please

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@miguelmfss We will at some point. Just too many changes going on right now so we don't want to have to constantly ask for translation updates.


@ivory it’s like Tweetbot, for Mastodon. They weren’t kidding @atpfm



Three times the price of a Tweetbot client and then not even an upgrade price for customers who have already paid the annual price for Tweetbot and can now no longer use the programme.
What is the justification for the triple price compared to Tweetbot?
A slap in the face for Tweetbot customers.

I will rather go to @IceCubes.
Everything is right there and the support is great!


Three times the price of a Tweetbot client and then not even an upgrade price for customers who have already paid the annual price for Tweetbot and can now no longer use the programme.
What is the justification for the triple price compared to Tweetbot?
A slap in the face for Tweetbot customers.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Th3G4m3r we are working with Apple to hopefully be able to do this. Elon musk shut us down before we could ever update Tweetbot to support anything like this. How is it our fault?

And ivory is priced correctly. We intentionally sold Tweetbot extremely cheap because of how bad the twitter api was at that point.



There was never any question of guilt. But it must be clear that you have received the annual subscription from customers and that they cannot use the value. That it was not your fault is well known. However, that is not the customer's problem. The customer has paid for a service and now does not receive the equivalent value.
Therefore, it should be your task to compensate the customer in some way.
A discounted annual subscription would have been one possibility.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Th3G4m3r How can we discount the annual subscription of a new app for users of an old app, if there's currently no way for us to programmatically check with the new app if the old app has a non-expired sub? It's impossible without being able to push out a software update for Tweetbot. This is what we have asked Apple to allow us to do, but they haven’t given us approval yet. So we are trying to do the right thing, but we do not control the App Store. Everything has to go through Apple.



That may be true about the Apple App Store. Also that there is no control to check.
But you still haven't provided an argument that justifies the triple price.
After all, you didn't have to reinvent the wheel because you were able to use a large part of Tweetbot and the experience gained.
So why is the price three times higher?
It can't be hosting and energy costs alone, because you already had these with Tweetbot.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Th3G4m3r TB was extremely underpriced. Intentionally because of how bad the public API was. Moving Tweetbot over to work with Ivory was no easy task. It's taken us 3-4 months of working 12-14 hour days just to get to this point and we still have years of hard work ahead of us to get the app where we want it to be.

$15 a year is not a lot of money for quality software that you use everyday. If a user thinks it's too expensive, then they don't see the value of the work we do and that's fine.



15€ might still be OK but in Europe it's 18€. Bear this in mind. Then adjust the price so that it is approximately the same for everyone, despite the conversion.
From 7€ to 18€ is simply much too high.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Th3G4m3r Yes we know that Europe get hit with VAT and other taxes. Adjusting prices for certain countries something we plan to look into soon. 🙂



Why "soon" ? Such a circumstance is nothing new. You already know this over the years. After all, you want to pay for your app now, so why should we pay for it NOW and hope for an adjustment later? Then the money has already flowed.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Th3G4m3r Because we are only 2 people and our whole lives instantly got turned upside down because of all this. We have thousands of unread email now because of Elon's actions and Ivory support. Still having to deal with Apple regarding Tweetbot, and feature requests every day for Ivory.



Instead, with your new product (which was created from Tweetbot's findings), the customer is offered three times the price.
Where is the added value compared to the Tweetbot app that your new app has to be three times as expensive?
The interface cannot be the reason for this.



It would have been understandable if the client had been a multi-client for different platforms, for example..... but it is not.
Since you were able to offer Tweetbot as a subscription at around €7 per customer per year, this would also have been possible with Ivory at €10 per customer per year.
Unfortunately, the new concept only looks like greed.




Three times the price of a Tweetbot client and then not even an upgrade price for customers who have already paid the annual price for Tweetbot and can now no longer use the programme.
What is the justification for the triple price compared to Tweetbot?
A slap in the face for Tweetbot customers.

I will rather go to @icecubesapp
Everything is right there and the support is great!


Three times the price of a Tweetbot client and then not even an upgrade price for customers who have already paid the annual price for Tweetbot and can now no longer use the programme.
What is the justification for the triple price compared to Tweetbot?
A slap in the face for Tweetbot customers.

Ryder 🔭🚲 :python:

@ivory love the app! One thing that I’d love to see change is on the long press on the boost button or favorite button, when it pops up to ask what account you want to do that from, it only shows handles (should also show instance!)

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@ryderdavid Yea we have to do that in a lot of places where it potentially shows a user's other account. 🙂

Ryder 🔭🚲 :python:

@ivory great work on this app though! It’s amazing

William Landay

@ivory So glad to get Ivory at last! This is THE way to experience Mastodon.


@ivory feedback: can’t tell from the App Store page or your site page what the difference is between Premier and iOS Pro license are.

Might say in App Store IAP descriptions but is being cut off on iPhone 12Pro?

Cheers and congratulations on shipping!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@GeekAndDad It explains in our app below the sub buttons. Premier and Pro are basically the same as far as features go. The difference is just how much you want to pay to help with the future development of Ivory. 🙂


@ivory Got it. Suggest you put that in the app description in the App Store and the webpage on your site because some people (🙄) decide to download and install or not based on the IAP prices.

One easy to make misassumption now is that some features might not be enabled unless you pay the Premier amount, for example (and you have no idea which).

A Guy Named Brian (he/him)

@ivory Maybe others have asked this already, but I’m not seeing it: does Ivory work with Family Sharing? Just curious. Thanks!

Kristin ( Admin)

@ivory If you use this app, or others, please be sure to financially support your local instance. It's the local instances and moderators that keep this all running.

Professor Charles Haas

@ivory Hopefully you'll do an OSX app soon since I am one of those (weird?) people who mainly use this and the bird on my laptop

Rider Of Dinosaurs

@ivory Will you be making a windows version as well?

John Dillworth

@ivory I want to pay for the app. Did I have to remove it, and test flight and reinstall? That’s fine. I just don’t want to have test flight installed unless I have to. Thanks

Explosive Ennui

@ivory Still pushing the subscription model? I’ll pass.

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