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Siobhán Sarelle


It has probably gone past that stage though.

We had the growth at any cost stage, now we have the oh shit we tried to grow too fast and too much so now we have to eat each other to survive stage.

Kraken Mare

@siobhansarelle @GossiTheDog exactly, but also to a large extent companies tried to lower their expenses in the last century by creating new machines and processes, and now they try to do the same just by underpaying workers instead

Siobhán Sarelle

@krakenmare @GossiTheDog

In my case, the company I have worked for, for 20 years, attempted to install a new enterprise wide system, costing millions, in order to improve the service so that much fewer people were needed.

Then they messed it it, so it was costing about a million a day due to problems.

Then they had to lay off lots of people anyway, because they couldn’t afford it.

Then those who were left did fire fighting, installed inefficient workarounds.

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