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samir, irgendwo

Google likes to claim it loves the web. Google fucking broke the web.

Cookie notices on every fucking website? They need those because they use Google Analytics or Google Ads.

Recipe sites that go on for fucking days? That’s because Google penalises websites when you leave too quickly, and they can’t show as many ads.

Obviously-bullshit machine-generated “content” designed to entice you to click ads? That’s because Google Search is a monopoly.

I’m so tired of Google.


@samir Don't forget links to malware disguising as popular open source projects at the top of search results


@samir and video!

Google promote videos over regular blogs and now I can't find those awesome coding blogs and if I try to watch a coding video I waste an hour only to find they gloss over the bit I needed...

Eoin O'Beara

@samir I avoid using Google unless absolutely necessary, and then I try using a private mode in a browser. Why should I give my information for free, or at all?

Owen Niblock

@samir when I used to run a company building websites, I used to tell clients that they should first think about what they want the website to do for their users and that should inform the design. Google was always a secondary concern for us. I feel like, if you build a great website that fulfills a need, then folk will find it.

If you build it, they will come 😅

Dr. Kidpixo 🔢🛰☄🌐🔨💻 ⌨️ 🐍🐧🚲

@samir totally agree.
I use Firefox with cookies autodelete and other plugin to harden security PLUS necessary Google sites relegated to a container where I only do Google stuff.
This should avoid bleeding cookies in my normal web use, where I switched to DuckDuckGo

‏lol‏ ‏fedifriend (cat aspect)

@samir I thought the recipes were like that because you can't copyright a recipe, but you can copyright a story that goes with it.


@samir not to forget how Google more or less controls how the web will develope on a technical level, because they have almost have a monopoly on the browser market, as almost everything except Firefox uses Chromiums engine as base...

William Tombert

@samir I was just thinking the other day that it has become impossible to find a recipe online that isn’t buried in a five thousand word essay on the origin of eggs.

Thanks for the explanation why it is so. Turns out it was just good old capitalism corrupting everything that’s nice.

Trojan Duck

@samir And the search engine is now utter garbage that can't locate anything other than SEO-gamed bogus content. They fixed the web with their search engine...and then let their greed break it. I'm just surprised no one has come up with a new search engine that bypasses all the junk. If someone were to do this will they would be a hero to many. But there's probably no money in it so we will be stuck with this forever.

Fardels Bear

@samir I use Google as little as possible, not even for searches. But I have noticed the annoying pop-up on other sites, inviting you to connect with Google. That pisses me off no end.


@samir I didn’t realise Google was the cause of those effects!! The cookie pop up increases are especially noticeable to me. & I’m sure u know about Ecosia but if not, I find it a pretty great search alternative; well-designed on mobile too.

Bart Janssens 🇧🇪

@samir They also broke email, as I found out when setting up my own mail server with the seemingly unreasonable requirement of being able to get through the gmail spam filter.

Jarek Rozanski 📈


Plug Wide Angle Analytics and forget the cookie banner. No tracking, just useful analytics.

Google ads are useless. And they are commonly a source of spam or outright scams.

You got plenty of recommendations to avoid Google search so won't repeat them.

"Content Marketing" and "Engagement" killed the Internet as we knew it.

We are all tired of Google and Facebook and other


@samir that's why I decided early on not to put tracking on my website or emails. If people ain't buying, then it ain't working. #poormansanalytics

Григорий Клюшников

You're talking about Google Analytics like people are forced to use it. Yes, way too many websites use various analytics services, Google Analytics is one of the popular ones. It's their owners' choice. Google is not to blame for this one.

It is to blame for many other things though. In my own opinion, Google needs to be split up into several independent companies: the search engine and cloud services company, the Chrome company, the Android company, YouTube, and the ad network company.

shauny :heart_progress:


I agree, this is why I don’t use Google products (except occasionally YouTube), and certainly not in any of my web development projects. Google Analytics is terrible. And I don’t optimise for Google search, I optimise for visitors.

nosh :fosstodon: (ʘ‿ʘ)

@samir and eventually they want people to #buy their #ads that trump all your #seo as #payed ads show up on the top.

Andrew at MysticBearPaw

@samir All you say is true and Google appears to have a hair-trigger for de-monetizing sites/videos for arbitrary rules.


All search engines are catalogs now.

Not "what matches what you seek" but "what products and endorsed services match what you seek."

Google wrecked the web.

Jonathan Baker-Bates

Exactly. Want to actually know what needs to be known about something? Wikipedia has run rings around Google's aim to "organise the world's information".


@samir I don't have any of that on any my websites. There are no cookies. There is no tracking. And the page loads in .5 seconds or less.


@samir I didnt know these things were because of Google..

Blake Leonard

This is before talking about Google Chrome, which does what it wants regardless of standards, or makes its own horrible excuses of standards, like the Topics and FLOC and Manifest V3. And tries to kills adblockers every way possible.

Douglas Eadline


And let's not forget they broke email (send a message to gmail account from small/private hosted mail server and go right to recipients spam folder.)

Elle Smith

@samir be evil has always been its guiding ethos.

Diana Staresinic-Deane

@samir A problem I've been experiencing a lot lately is when an contents of an article or page jump around constantly because ads of different sizes pop up at random. I was trying to read something on WedMD last night and I kept losing my place as the layout reset over and over again.



I have always wondered why recipes would ramble on and on for days about their grandma who gave them their recipe, or why it should be eaten on a cold day.

Meanwhile, I've already turned on my stove and a strange smell is coming from it...

Rita Singer

@samir Crochet pages that scroll forever because every darn line is interspersed with two rows of advertisement and pop-ups. GAH!

Florian Laws

@samir As if Google forced all these sites to show ads...

Joe Dowland

@samir I thought the recipe thing was because you can't copyright a recipe?

Joe Dowland

@samir I tooted my reply before the others had loaded

The Doctor

@samir I've finally reached the point where I can rarely find a damn thing even with all my search agents running around. This is bullshit.

If I didn't archive what I find when I find it, I'd never find anything more than once.


@samir I didn’t know Google drove all of those things! I thought I liked Google. Now I hate Google. Boo Google. Thanks for educating me.



I remember the time when people still could make websites without googletagmanager and ajax.googleapis. Those are increasingly rare today.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@samir all #GAFAMs are evil.

Same with #Google's competitiors and monopolizers like #Apple, #Facebook, #Amazon and #Microsoft.

They all are #PRISM-collaborators, #Govware-integrators and generally horrible for the #Web, #Tech, #Society and the #Envoirment - period!



If I watch a video on YouTube and pause it, the monster immediately brings up a big, obtrusive ribbon with five other videos it thinks I should watch. I haven't even finished the current one!

I watch everything on sites like Invidious now.


@samir @fluepke Ziemlich treffende technische Analyse. Boost wegen Wortwahl für eine Bundesbehörde nicht möglich 😉

Vielleicht nicht für eine Bundesbehörde, aber für Privatpersonen ist das ja zum Glück kein Problem...
@samir @fluepke

@samir it feels like a barrage all the time. Ads, requests for my email, stupid sagas to get to the goddamn recipe!


@samir hmm. The consent banners were IMHO brought by inept legislation budging to lobbying, creating a technically idiotic solution to a simple problem.

mia google also broke the web and essentially took over the w3c starting 2008 when they introduced V8.

and techies? well, they
love new shit, and if your browser doesn’t support that, too bad. web standards then were still built with ubiquity in mind. no matter how old and/or limited your device was—websites could be built to gracefully downgrade and present something usable on it. now, google wants a feature the competition doesn’t have, and they get it, because google essentially runs the w3c.

those heavy javascript frameworks seemingly everyone has come to rely on don’t even try to support anything else. that whole idea of an accessible web gradually disappeared as chrome’s market share grew. google also broke the web and essentially took over the w3c starting 2008 when they introduced V8.

and techies? well, they
love new shit, and if your browser doesn’t support that, too bad. web standards then were still built with ubiquity in mind. no matter how old and/or limited your device was—websites could be built to gracefully downgrade and present something usable on it. now, google wants a feature the competition doesn’t have, and they get it, because google...

Rich Bruchal

@samir @schwa The recipe sites drive me absolutely bonkers! And they’re all like that!

P J Evans

Their search engine is getting worse. Things like quotation marks around the term? Being ignored a lot.


@samir I'm working on a new browsers post right now for the same reason, but I have been sticking with Safari for a while too. Mostly as it's a least worst option for me and also is nicely integrated 🤷‍♀️


@samir not to mention killing off Reader

Urban Hermit

@samir you are exactly correct, and they ruined YouTube too.

Tim Apple

@samir people still use google? I think Bing offers a better search these days.

Wil Shipley

@samir Want to look at how to install a lightbulb? Here are seven links to 20 minute videos, be sure to like and subscribe!

John Gordon


Google’s ad driven algorithms deprecated quality content in favor of click farms. Leading to the content desert of 2022 and Google’s increasing uselessness.

It’s almost poetic.



There are now de-googled android operating systems. I use \e\OS


Debbie Wade

@samir use Duck Duck Go. No tracking. No ads.

Nigel Harpur
@DSWadeLPC @samir it's the duck for me since.... and I like ducks, geese and swans too 😊

@samir ITA. I go to the recipe print option and screenshot those, to avoid this intrusive tedium.


@samir how can we cancel Google, though? I’m genuinely asking because I’m on board of anything viable someone can come up with.

Jessica Stewart

@samir ‘Recipe sites that go on for fucking days? :blobcatdance:
#I cut out the relevant bits and paste into Word or Notes and print them. They are so pathetic. I had thought it was the fault of over-sharing amateur cooks—thanks for the heads-up on where blame really lies!

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@samir Strange, a reply I wrote in agreement has vanished.
Basically my earlier point was that Google has also destroyed a lot of legitimate publications’ earnings through depressing ad prices, diverting income to splogs, content mills and spun sites. Not to mention taking a decent cut for itself.
The whole enterprise is a massive con.
From a legal POV I would even say it was all foreseeable and a negligence lawsuit waiting for someone to take it on. It would be great to close it down.

Chad Bruner

@samir make the switch to brave! I did and I'm never turning back :)

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@chadgbruner @samir Brave’s CEO is an anti-vaxxer and Brave has been repeatedly accused of doing things like adding in affiliation links for search results through their browser and collecting money for creators that they never hand over.
For search, I recommend DuckDuckGo, who value privacy in searches, don’t pull those shenanigans and also have a browser.

YMMV of course. :)

Chad Bruner

@cautionwip Weird. I switched from duckduckgo to brave when I learned ddg sells to msn exclusively. I don't know who to believe anymore.

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@chadgbruner Damn, thanks for that. That all broke while I was in hospital so I missed it. Apparently (from what a search via both google & DDG shows) they've owned it, explained it in detail & are changing stuff. They weren't tracking themselves, but they weren't blocking specific MSN sites that track ad-conversion for statistics from their apps/extensions. Part of licensing to include Bing as search result DB, it seems. Def'ly an issue & this article ( includes deets.

@chadgbruner Damn, thanks for that. That all broke while I was in hospital so I missed it. Apparently (from what a search via both google & DDG shows) they've owned it, explained it in detail & are changing stuff. They weren't tracking themselves, but they weren't blocking specific MSN sites that track ad-conversion for statistics from their apps/extensions. Part of licensing to include Bing as search result DB, it seems. Def'ly an issue & this article (

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

That said, I hear you. It's an ongoing issue with ny free tech. Obv they have to be getting their income "somewhere" and if it's not through subscription or donations, then it's pretty much gotta be ads. AFAK, they sell ad-promotion on results, but limit it to showing only a few and clearly marking them as ads. (see attached sample search results via DDG).

In the end we can only count on (AND DEMAND) transparency, oversight and accountability.

That said, I hear you. It's an ongoing issue with ny free tech. Obv they have to be getting their income "somewhere" and if it's not through subscription or donations, then it's pretty much gotta be ads. AFAK, they sell ad-promotion on results, but limit it to showing only a few and clearly marking them as ads. (see attached sample search results via DDG).

Chad Bruner

@cautionwip I'm mid swing between divorcing G and moving to grapheneos. I've considered switching to linux for my pc but may just leave it and only use it minimally while handling everything else on my phone. I really appreciate your robust feedback and input!

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@chadgbruner Ahhh..I'm an iphone so no go, but it looks sweet! Linux is honestly the best for most uses, IMO (he said working on an old windows 10 laptop). :)


Done of cookies spam? Get the app on trackstore :)

Jeunet Brown

@samir Me too… Do you know Brave Browser? No coockies, no ads (YouTube included). I use it with duckduckgo and I feel free haha.


Try duckduckgo and ad blocker...or Tor browser.


@samir I wonder how the generated "content" can get best results in search :-(


@samir we have a search at - one glitch, though. after it opens in a new window or tab, you will have to click a second time to get the list of results. after that it's fine.


@samir are we ready for a ham internet yet? No money allowed.

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