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rick linklater yeo v bützberg

@krenaud @ekennedy80 @rbreich What I've never understood is why the government doesn't put the patent in the public domain whenever they've funded the R&D.

Krister Renaud

@rbreich @JYeo18 @ekennedy80 or even better, licence the tech for free, but requiring the licensees to give back to the public in some way.


@JYeo18 @krenaud @ekennedy80 @rbreich Find me a government that puts cooperation and mutual benefit over capitalism and corporate profit and I'll vote for them for the rest of my days.

Edward Kennedy

@mrdalesmith @JYeo18 @krenaud @rbreich 100% agree! The government we vote for also needs to make sure there is still some type of carrot put out to incentivize cooperation and mutual benefit. Unfortunatley, $$$$ is the mother of all motivators.


@JYeo18 @krenaud @ekennedy80 @rbreich
For the COVID vaccine in particular because the government paid for the development

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