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@rbreich No, this is what lack of competition looks like. We shouldn’t shame companies for being greedy: that’s just the way they work. We should rather shame our governments for not having good enough competition policies.

I Care About The World

@Sosialliberal @rbreich I don't think this particular tenet of capitalism actually works. The system is not set up to support competition. It smashes small start ups and gives all the breaks to the well-connected. As does the entire economy.


@ICareAboutTheWorld @rbreich That’s why we need a more agressive competition policy focusing on small bussiness tax breaks and maybe tax increases for large businesses. Tax incentives for cooperatives wouldn’t hurt either. Capitalism can work if we implement the right reforms.

Packets and Bolts

@Sosialliberal @rbreich The corporations run the government. It is called regulatory capture. The agencies "watching over them" are run and funded by the industry and industry insiders. We live in an oligarchy. The people need to elect real people and not the typical politicians we keep in office...


@PacketsAndBolts @rbreich Regulatory capture can be solved via good old fashioned (reform oriented) populism and more powerful labor unions.

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