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Robert Rothenburg

@aral @cancel

It's not a simple "my personal server" vs "big tech".

There are many smaller companies that provide email.

One of the advantages of using a specialist provider vs self-hosting is that it's their full-time job to manage spam filters and blacklists while ensuring their mail gets through.

You'll get better service than big tech.

I've worked for one before. Managing spam and malware, and following up blacklists is a lot of work.

1 comment
Robert Rothenburg

@aral @cancel

It's sad to see how hard it is for people to run personal email servers now.

But I don't think that's because major companies tried to take control of email.

It's because they were lazy about stopping spam. It's easier for them to be sloppy about blacklisting, especially since email isn't their primary source of income.

They have no financial incentive to be better about email filtering.

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