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Adnan 👦🦀

@aral @cancel Correct. It is unlikely that individual fediverse servers will continue to be a thing and that would be a terrible shame because there is no fediverse without treating the smallest and/or the slowest (or not always online) servers the same as the biggest & the fastest ones.


@adnan @aral I don't think this will happen. Fediverse is a PITA but right now, I'm not seeing much motivation for corporate interests to lock out smaller players with the excuse of spam prevention, due to the broadcast nature of most of the stuff on the fediverse.

Panicz Maciej Godek

@cancel @adnan @aral
yes, I think that the story of Google+ (and perhaps also the more recent one involving Twitter & technoking) is incredibly inspiring when it comes to seeing what the big tech can and cannot do WRT social networks.

The thing with social networks is that they are made of people's relations and habits more than they are made of particular technologies.

Alex Gizis

@cancel @adnan @aral i don’t feel that confidence, things just move slowly. This place is like the web in 1994-5. Google didn’t appear until 1999. Bigger the fediverse gets the more it’s worth to try to seize.


@AlexGizis @cancel @adnan @aral and it's scary that this email lockout shows the road map.


@adnan @aral @cancel Problem is, running a server is enormously expensive if you pull in all relay content. A big player can probably become the largest and dictate terms from there.

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