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Steven Sokulski :disneylandd:

@christianselig @gruber That story is frustrating. But I’m glad you shared it.been using Ice Cubes for like three minutes and it’s soooo good.

James Harris

@christianselig @gruber definitely approve of you using your platform to throw Apple under the bus for this. Ice Cubes is my preferred client these days and getting more refined by the day.

John Parker

@gruber It’s not as if automated analysis couldn’t trivially prove this wasn’t the case.

Apple really need to start providing more value for their cut.


@gruber just joined the TestFlight… this app is so far the best one I’ve used so far! Apple really needs to either fix things, or just get out of the way.

Maikel 🇪🇺

@gruber I thought the size of a COVID virus was good enough but no, it isn't. Could you please make those characters slightly smaller so I can properly test my microscope ?


@gruber Most of the reviewers Apple hire do not know much about app development, or at all.


@gruber don’t expect any of them to know what Mastodon is.

Albert Kinng :verified:

@gruber I don’t know man… this sounds like an agenda from Apple. Maybe there’s a not told agreement to protect Twitter from sinking by avoiding new and easy alternatives to rise. We don’t know how Tim and Elon found peace, you know.

Michael Simpson

@gruber almost sounds like a self own on Apple’s part, saying SwiftUI doesn’t yet meet the “Minimum Functionality” requirement. Been using Ice Cubes for the past few days alongside Ivory and it very much feels like a full featured iOS app!

Albert Kinng :verified:

@gruber I just hope @ivory don’t get the same fate.


@gruber This is dumb. I just joined the test flight, and this is a very nice app.

Great work @dimillian!

Chris Adamson

@gruber “I don’t generally call for anyone to be fired…”

This was an entirely appropriate time to make an exception to that policy.

Adam Elman

@invalidname @gruber Agreed. Ice Cubes is great and has quickly become my preferred client (although I’d like a better icon 🤣). This is ridiculous.

Albert Kinng :verified:

@gruber I’m using #mastoot and has been the more stable client by now.


@gruber Thank you for highlighting the app. Just joined the beta and it’s by far the best I’ve used (not on the Ivory beta yet)

Helix Cavendish

@ravishanker @gruber I’m also waiting to see Ivory, but I’ve been using Ice Cubes for a week or so and it’s really nice.

Franklin Delano Stallone

@gruber the reviewer sounds like their out of their depth in their job.

David Bennett

@gruber this did have the good effect though of having my download this (excellent) beta!

Gerry Dorsey

@gruber that’s a damn shame. Because Ice Cubes is one of only two Mastodon apps I’ve tested that I’m willing to pay for if their full App Store releases have a subscription model.

Ben Bieker

@gruber nice app. At least some spots in the TestFlight left which is not the case for ivory 😝


@gruber should have also included that it’s an open source app - the work he’s doing can be used by any developer as a great example of native iOS and SwiftUI code.


@gruber jaysus. I thought it deserved sailing through for its beautiful icon alone.

Pedro Pérez

@gruber Just downloaded the app, excellent. Still think Ivory leads the pack, but it’s refreshing to see so many developers trying diferent takes and design approaches to mastodon.


@gruber this is cool and rejection looks like bullshit.


@gruber nice, I got into the beta! Thanks! Hope the App Store will approve soon!

Aaron - Looking For Work ✅

@gruber Wow, I'm not sure what to make of that. I mean, did they even use the app??

My guess is they opened it, saw the list to select a server, then closed it because that could be stuff on the web. I hope they can make it right.

Thanks for putting this on my radar. I'm giving it a try @dimillian

Thomas Ricouard

@Aaron @gruber It seems like they logged in with my login instruction at least and some screenshots point out to the fact that indeed they tested the app... so it’s even more frustrating

Aaron - Looking For Work ✅

@dimillian @gruber
Freaking rediculous. I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope you can get some good exposure for the app with the news on the situation. I'm giving it a try on my MBP right now and it's pretty slick!

Jason Kallelis

@gruber It's truly remarkable that iOS is known for best-in-class third-party applications when everyone who tries to make something has to go through this horseshit


@gruber I just downloaded this and it is amazing!!!!! Clean, fast, responsive. Highly recommend so far (5 minutes of us)


@gruber ice cubes is amazing, thanks for the tip!


@gruber maybe it's time to reconsider apple as platform too

Jon Adair

Then they should pull 50% of the non-game apps from the store for the same reason since there are existing web UIs: Slack, Discord, MS Office, Twitter, Facebook, GMail, Google Calendar, ...


@gruber so sad. Just installed the app and it’s great. Apple really needs to get their sh*t together when it comes to app review 🤬

Mark Gardner ‍:sdf:

@dgriffinjones @gruber @MonaApp So let me get this straight: to use the invitation-only Mona beta #macOS client for #Mastodon, I have to buy a $12 third-party #Twitter client even though Twitter is now blocking the popular ones? And according to it occasionally gets rate-limited anyway?


@mjgardner @dgriffinjones @gruber @MonaApp

The be honest I have a fair amount of faith the guys at @tapbots will get #Ivory right and sell it for a reasonable price.

I'll be fine with @tootapp now. There's not much wrong with it except the price which I've already paid now.

Loïc ⏚

@gruber it seems now #Apple is in a mood to always find new ways to disappoint me, each time a little bit more 🤦

Andrew Ross

@gruber I've only been using this app for like five minutes and it's already one of my favorites. Looks like your post is going to get this app a lot of new users, and hopefully someone at Apple's head out of their ass. @icecubesapp


@gruber Thanks for pointing me to IceCube, absolutely great client. Rejecting of this app is just pure reviewer-power-demonstration. I agree, this guy should be fired.

Peter du Toit

@gruber thanks for this!

@dimillian needs all the help he can get this is an awesome app!


@gruber Thanks for the heads-up. Writing this in Ice Cubes. Very nice app.


@gruber i kind of wonder if they’re doing a crap job of communicating it, but the actual issue is that the first run experience shows a lot of misleading error UI when it’s just waiting for data to show up or a given UI should just be empty


@gruber as an example (alt: video showing UI flickering and a misleading error state when UI data is empty)

Daphne Preston-Kendal

@gruber Glad to hear I’m not the only one lamenting the state of Mac clients – I was worried I was missing something …


@gruber Ugh what a nightmare! Just installed the client though and man is it great. Apple has to get their crap together

Aleksandar Vacić

@gruber this is very much the look of Apple I expect these days.
Arrogant, greedy, developer-hostile to the core.


@gruber frustrations aside, has he submitted an appeal? I have not been following along the saga.

Appeal guarantees another pair of eyes. If you keep submitting new builds it’s the same (ignorant) reviewer in the other side. I guess having the same reviewer on one version’s review process is beneficial more often than not, but in this case an appeal is the way to go

Brian Dear

@gruber Wonder if Apple wants to release their own Mastodon client?

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