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vkc // Veronica Explains

For a while now, Linux Mint has been the "flagship Linux" we've been waiting for. But it's hard to recognize that because algorithmic social media rewards disruptive distro-hopping over sane and subtle defaults.

vkc // Veronica Explains

I might make a video expanding on this, but I think it's safe to consider Mint in the top tier of "recommendables" at this point.

And not just for beginners- it's really a logical choice for a ton of people.


@vkc Would be interesting to make the exact same video for 5 different distros and see how they perform. :D

Thomas πŸ”­βœ¨

@vkc Please do, I've been using Ubuntu for servers for 15+ years now (mainly because they offer LTS versions); would be nice to see what else is out there; and no time to research on my own.

Trey Hunner 🐍

@vkc Why Mint over Ubuntu? Is it more stable, more cutting edge, something else?

(I'm an "I've used Ubuntu for many many years out of habit" user, so I'm curious whether switching might be worthwhile one day)


@treyhunner @vkc the wallpapers! definitely!

Korgie D. πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@treyhunner @vkc This is not answering for her, but my own opinion on why Mint is a good recommendation for many people is that most people are used to Windows UI and Cinnamon is a great DE for those people.

Heck I've been using Linux for 20 years (and using it as my primary desktop OS for almost half that length) and Cinnamon is my DE of choice, though I don't personally use Mint.

(Yes, you can install a variety of DEs on most distros, but OOBE is important)


@korgie @treyhunner @vkc There is a Cinnamon installation disk for Debian.


@treyhunner @vkc Ubuntu added a lot of suspicious pro-corporate stuff in the last few years. It was a good recommendation a decade ago, but these days I wouldn't recommend it to newbies.

Linh Pham

@vkc Even though I prefer Ubuntu (and FreeBSD, but that's not Linux) for servers, Linux Mint and Pop!_OS are the desktop distributions that I recommend people try out.

That said, the only Ubuntu-based desktop distribution that has a standard ISO installer for arm64 is Ubuntu via their daily builds so I can build and run VMs using Parallels or VMware Fusion. Neither Linux Mint or Pop!_OS provide that at this time.


If you end up doing this I think it’s worth mentioning that some distros been adopted or secured relationships with hardware vendors and for me that’s a telling that they are less concerned about distro rankings and more about function. Mint is the default for Mintboxes via or other industrial solutions providers. System76 offers their custom servers with Ubuntu out of the box. For me, MX meets my needs on low end β€œvintage β€œ hardware :)

Simon Walters

@vkc It's the one I go for when I just want a Linux OS with a GUI


@vkc Personally I've been somewhat wary of Mint ever since the incident with compromised installation media on their site with *no* signatures whatsoever happened.

Yes they've since added signatures, but the fact remains that was pretty neglectful to not have in 2010s.

Jordan :ms_nonbinary_flag:​

@lispi314 @vkc Yeah, that incident, combined a general unserious vibe I get when they talk about security, a web forum filled with folks I'd rather not try and interact with, and the way they piggyback off of other distro's repos and then try and bodge it up with priorities and pinning have put me off of Mint


@jordan @vkc It feels like the Manjarno ( of Debian derivatives.

Space Hobo Actual

@vkc I've been doing this long enough that I *still* think of Mint as "Ubuntu for people who want to be publicly seen hating on Ubuntu." I discounted it early on because it did some very dangerous things with repos in its earliest years, and the only thing its user base could really communicate was what it was *not*, rather than actual good reasons to use it.

If it's emerged from that as any sort of success, I'd love to see something telling that story in detail!


@vkc With the exception of Pop_OS every time I leave the comfort and safety of Mint I regret it immensely.

Tobias Hellgren

@vkc Is the video out yet

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