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I'm all the more severely disappointed that society™, by and large, utterly fails to grasp the importance of this basic right. Which is reflected and brazenly exploited in the plans for #Chatcontrol.

And that we still have to argue and work very hard to defend our basic infrastructure from state meddling at this level.


And the importance of the right to worldwide private #telecommunication without state supremacy over their citizens (which is only a political demand from #CCC and others, but equally important in my view)


I'm also severely disappointed that society™ utterly still fails to grasp that "#smartphones" are (the most) personal computers, that therefore should truly belong to the user, and the user alone.

And that neither locking these systems against the user in any way, much less making such locks or other non-user-aligned control mechanisms mandatory, nor demanding access to these systems, should be considered acceptable.


It is important that people understand that we accept such intrusions at our own personal and collective peril, for limiting them is effectively impossible. A system is trustable by you or it isn't.

#Chatcontrol #WhoOwnsYourHardware

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