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@tillianisafox if you are going for humans, they have certain proportions that basically apply to ask of them (like ellbows are height of waist, one heads width shoulders etc) - there should be books that deal with this kind of constructions, maybe videos as well. So maybe searching for this specifically helps?
Getting stock poses and starting to figure out the main lines in the body also helps me greatly and improves your way to view things.

tillian told depression to die

@Blahmage the problems for me begin when I try to understand planes/texture and lighting and how does light interact with the shape of the objects and it's pain for me

it's easy to shade cubes or spheres, but it's hard for me to do that with human body/animals because it's hard for me to see them as shapes or break them down in shapes

tillian told depression to die

@Blahmage and also, I don't know how specifically am I supposed to learn anatomy. do I just look at the muscles and tendons and stuff and kinda memorize them or am I supposed to remember what shapes are they

sorry I'm just. really a beginner lol


@tillianisafox no dw its super overwhelming! Cosmic says something about this in her videos as well. Some people learn each muscle, for me a lot of it is observation and experience. I've looked at a lot of people and I know by now that this bop is in this place.
Also I think interest matters a lot, so if there is something you would like to draw, don't force yourself to do something else if it kills your motivation.
I like drawing pretty girls, so I learned most anatomy drawing pretty girls lol

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