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Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

I want to publicly apologize to Twitter for breaking its long-standing API rule of _______.

mingistech :mastodon:

@paul Plan on pulling Tweetbot soon from the store?


@paul seems like “existing” is enough of a violation to them. Yuck

Tyler Loch

@paul First rule of Twitter API: DO NOT use Twitter API.


@paul yep. Reported that tweet as misinfo

FuzzFace ☢️ :clippy:

@paul You are walking along, paying attention to things as you go. Suddenly, you are stopped by a cop and told that you shouldn't have crossed that line and passed the sign reading "Do Not Enter". You turn around and they are just now installing the sign and painting the line on the ground. Seems pretty sus to me.

Will Schneekloth

@paul hurting king spaceboy’s bottom line.

Reed :polarbear:

@paul The new Twitter API rule is that you can't use it now, apparently!

Tyler 👋

@paul …making a client that’s miles better than Twitter’s own client? 🤷


@paul TBF, your app did make Twitter's app look worse.

Rhys Morgan

@paul I’m so angry on your behalf. It’s such fucking obvious bullshit, and it’s offensive that *this* is how they first acknowledge it happening.

Tom Cole


By inference, I think it’s:

I want to publicly apologize to Twitter for breaking its long-standing API rule of “never add value to the customer experience that Twitter cannot control”.

Karen Friesen

@paul being mean to Elon by being better than him

Micah Benn

@paul Have you considered making a version of Tweetbot that lets us add our own API keys, albeit with not as many features?


@paul Making regular payments to them for additional API calls.

Andrew :fediverse:

@paul Being a 3rd party client with a large user base while their API doesn’t serve ads.

Mikko Alasaarela

@paul Becoming too successful. I think that's it.


@paul ...developing (and promoting) an app for a competing platform.


@paul Super weird that this Developer Agreement from Twitter says they will provide notice to the developer if the agreement is terminated or suspended. Maybe by "providing notice" they mean a vaguely worded tweet.

⟦ˈmartiːn ˈʃtaɪ̯n⟧ :tblogo:

@paul just don't do things that might or might not be good or bad for Twitter and/or its users.


@paul I think Tweetbot will go the same way as Netbot (Tapbot app for the platform "", who still knows it?). Hopefully Ivory will be ready soon!

MyCart 🛒

@paul Ridiculous that you’ve broken a rule, but they don’t want to tell you what rule. Twitter is just a complete mess right now.

Vishnu Prem

@paul the clown car has fallen off the cliff.

Eshu Marneedi

@paul You broke its rule of being bad.

(Edit: changed bad to good, my brain is broken)

Sander Soots

@paul It seems recently changed, maybe we can get some clues, if someone has old contract and we can do mergediff on it?

teaneedz 🌱

@paul wonder how long until Dollar Bird Tree releases its new "improved" API littered with Ads and For You dribble along with an "improved" fee structure straight out of late night infomercial imaginations. *improved, subject to interpretation


@paul all I can say is please don’t give up, not just because it your app and you worked hard for it, but also I’m sure there is no buddy loves a product like TB users. For Arabic users, you probably know how Twitt3r is important for us and it’s the most usable app in the entire social media, just search “تويت بوت" and translate every single post to make sure how we miss you. We all just realised that we love twitt3r, because of you, because of Tweetbot 💙

Adam Cook

@paul not proactively paying Twitter the required amount of money that Musk may or may not reveal sometime in the future.


@paul Absolutely disrespectful non-answer from Twitter ! Without the talented developers who built quality third-party apps for the last decade, Twitter wouldn’t be the same. The current company leadership has forgotten that their own official app is born from a third-party software.

Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

Finally some clarity we apparently broke the long standing rule of "use or access the Licensed Materials to create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product to the Twitter Applications”.

I guess I didn't realize long standing actually means a couple hours ago, once again I'm deeply sorry.

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