@timsmalley @IcySedgwick - those are some lovely shots, and a beautiful description. We saw some similar work by Jasper Goodall at the weekend, showing his work with trees at night.
@timsmalley @IcySedgwick - those are some lovely shots, and a beautiful description. We saw some similar work by Jasper Goodall at the weekend, showing his work with trees at night. 4 comments
@andyravensable @timsmalley Jasper's work is just beautiful, isn't it? But Tim, yours is stunning! @IcySedgwick @andyravensable it's stunning... it really provokes a lot of thought. Thanks for your kind words |
@andyravensable @IcySedgwick Thanks for your kind words.
I have a project in mind for winter in a forest full of ghost-like ancient hornbeam pollards that really need to be shot in the dark - it was actually inspired by two things... being involved in a Halloween haunted forest event at the location and an article I saw on Jasper's work in The Guardian.
The bearded moss just looks so beautiful in that image of Jasper's.